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WEEK 5 BI- AND DIA- VOCABULARY WORDS. bi-  Two bicycle  A two wheeled vehicle.  The bicycle is a very popular choice of transportation likely due.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 5 BI- AND DIA- VOCABULARY WORDS. bi-  Two bicycle  A two wheeled vehicle.  The bicycle is a very popular choice of transportation likely due."— Presentation transcript:


2 bi-  Two

3 bicycle  A two wheeled vehicle.  The bicycle is a very popular choice of transportation likely due to its easy handling and balancing on two wheels.  Part of speech: noun

4 bicentennial  Two-hundred year anniversary of an event  The United States celebrated its bicentennial in 1976 when the country became 200 years old.  Part of speech: noun

5 bifocal  Glasses that help with near and far visual problems  I had a hard time reading the small print in the newspaper, so I needed to use my bifocals to correct my vision.  Part of speech: noun

6 bilingual  Able to speak two languages frequently and easily  Since I can clearly speak both German and French, I would be considered bilingual.  Part of speech: noun, adjective

7 biped  An animal that uses two legs for walking  Humans are considered bipeds because we walk on two legs instead of four like many other living creatures do.  Part of speech: noun

8 dia-  Through, across

9 diagnosis  The decision reached after a thorough investigation of a problem.  After the doctor looked through all of the notes, talked to the patient, and reviewed the x-rays, he determined the diagnosis was pneumonia.  Part of speech: noun

10 diagonal  Marked with slanting lines or patterns  That diagonal pattern on your sweater is really eye catching since you don’t usually see shirts with slanting lines.  Part of speech: noun, adjective

11 diagram  A drawing or plan that outlines and explains the parts, operation, etc., of something  The dishwasher manual included a diagram that showed us how to install it.  Part of speech: noun, verb

12 diabolical  Having the qualities of a devil; devilish; outrageously wicked  I can’t wait to wear my evil and diabolical costume on Halloween to scare everyone at the party.  Part of speech: adjective

13 diametrical  Having or pertaining to opposite extremes; opposing  My classmates and I have diametrical beliefs on wearing school uniforms. I think it would make it more fair, but I also think it would take away a piece of our individuality.  Part of speech: adjective

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