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Logos Genre Drafting and Peer Review Thursday, February 19, 2015 Regular MYP.

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Presentation on theme: "Logos Genre Drafting and Peer Review Thursday, February 19, 2015 Regular MYP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logos Genre Drafting and Peer Review Thursday, February 19, 2015 Regular MYP

2 Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: Students will – draft a piece of writing that demonstrates the factual information from their research, and – give and receive meaningful feedback. Agenda: – Logos Genre Drafting – Peer Review Homework: – Logos genre draft is due tomorrow. – Study Latin roots 9-12 for quiz next Wednesday.

3 Latin Roots 9-12 9. dict, dic = say, speak 10. loc, locat = place 11. ben, bon = good, well 12. mal = bad, ill

4 Logos Genre Options: Brochure Magazine Article* CommentaryNewspaper Article CritiqueObituary Editorial*Pamphlet EssaySpeech InterviewWebpage Letter (Personal or Business in addition to the advocate letter) Think about what works for the facts you have on your mind map.

5 Logos Genre Finish drafting your logos genre in your “Drafts of Writing” section. – You may listen to music, but you need to be quiet. You may look at the examples I have provided in the folder in the classroom. – Please return them when you are finished. You need to have a completed draft by mid- period for peer-review.

6 Writer’s Workshop Expectations Respect the community of writers. Be willing to take risks. Be willing to share your writing. Find your purpose and audience. Develop your own process(es) for writing. Continuously add to your writer’s notebook. Be 100% attentive during the focus lesson. Be prepared to revise your work repeatedly. Focus on the positives when giving feedback. Ask questions and give suggestions instead of giving negative feedback. During independent writing time, focus on brainstorming, planning, researching, drafting, conferring, revising, and editing.

7 Tips for Workshopping Leave the writer with enthusiasm for writing! Focus on ideas, organization, voice, word choice, figurative language, and sentence variety. – Do not focus on spelling, grammar, etc. Questions to think about: – What did I like best about this paper? – What would I like to know more about? – What stands out? – What is confusing? When asking questions or giving suggestions for the logos genre, consider: – Did the writer meet the requirements of the genre? Meaning, is it clearly a newspaper article, brochure, etc.? – Is there enough factual and statistical information? – Does this piece of writing support the writer’s argument?

8 Steps for Workshopping Step 1: – Writer: tell your argument and what you need help with – Group: take notes on what writer said Step 2: – Writer: read genre aloud – Group: listen and take notes on what comes to mind Step 3: – Group: start with positives; ask questions – Writer: listen, take notes, and then respond to questions Step 4: – Writer: ask for clarification; share plan for revision – Group: praise the writer for sharing

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