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Student Led Transition IEP By: (Student’s Name). I would like to thank the members of my IEP team for coming to my meeting today. They are…… My Parents:

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Presentation on theme: "Student Led Transition IEP By: (Student’s Name). I would like to thank the members of my IEP team for coming to my meeting today. They are…… My Parents:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Led Transition IEP By: (Student’s Name)

2 I would like to thank the members of my IEP team for coming to my meeting today. They are…… My Parents: My Teachers: My Principal: My Special Ed. Teacher: Other team members:

3 We are here today because I have a disability in the area of ?? and learn differently than my classmates. I need your help planning my school program and future. Please feel free to stop me at any time during my presentation to discuss one of the many topics I am going to present.

4 Post Secondary Goals (my goals for after high school) Education/Training: Employment: Independent Living (optional):

5 How am I currently doing in school??? Ability: Academic: Communication: Physical: Emotional/Social: Daily Living Skills:

6 How am I doing with Transition? Employment: Recreation/Leisure: Community: Independent Living: Post-Secondary Ed./Training:

7 Teachers- How am I doing in your class?? Math: English: Science: Social Studies: Music: Shop: FACS: Computer:

8 How my disability affects me? At school: On the job: Other:

9 Here are some other things to know about me. My primary language is… I am/am not visually impaired I am/am not hard of hearing I use the following assistive technology: My behavior does/does not interfere with my learning or the learning of others

10 My Classes 9 th grade: 10 th grade: 11 th grade: 12 th grade: 18+ program: I will graduate in (date) with (number) credits and a regular/optional diploma.

11 Transition Services Education/Training: Employment: Independent Living (optional): I am going to need some additional transition services to help me reach my goal of being a (chosen career). They are…..

12 Do you think these classes and services will help me meet my post secondary goals? Is there anything you would add?

13 I also have annual goals that will help me reach my goals for after high school Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3: Goal #4:

14 Classroom Adaptations What I need to be successful in the classroom How do you feel these help me in your class? Are there any adaptations you would add??

15 State Assessment My NDSA Accommodations are…. I will participate in the regular NDSA with accommodations in the following areas: - Math - Reading/Language Arts - Science I will participate in the Alternate NDSA in the following areas: - Math - Reading/Language Arts - Science My class does not participate in NDSA this year.

16 Other Stuff: I will participate in regular/adapted phy. ed. I will go to school for a full/partial day. I do/do not need a summer program. I will participate in the following activities with my peers:

17 Special Education Service Minutes My Minutes per week: The plan we just completed will show that my placement in special education will be….

18 Do you all agree with the rest of my plan??? Does anyone have any questions??? If not, that should take care of everything!! Thanks again for coming!!

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