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E-Portfolio for Masters level students Dr Marita Naude Graduate School of Business Curtin University of Technology Perth; Western Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Portfolio for Masters level students Dr Marita Naude Graduate School of Business Curtin University of Technology Perth; Western Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Portfolio for Masters level students Dr Marita Naude Graduate School of Business Curtin University of Technology Perth; Western Australia


3 Project Pilot 1Pilot 2Pilot 3 MLM (n=20)Corporate development Program (n=32) MLM (n=20) January-April 2003May-August 2003January-April 2004 LearningSpaceMSWordLearningSpace Outcomes developed prior to December 2003 Revised Outcomes of December 2003 Basic orientation Guidelines discussed and provided online Detailed orientation (including examples) Guidelines discussed and provided in hard copy (not possible online) Detailed orientation (including examples) Guidelines discussed; provided in hard copy and online Demonstration and “practice time”

4 Components of the e-Portfolio CV/Resume Personal and professional goals for Program and LD 510 Competency audit

5 CV/Resume As detailed or as comprehensive as you want Usual content to be included in any resume Ensure that it is updated regularly Be careful to scan documents

6 Personal and professional goals This should include goals (personal and professional) for LD 510 and the Program

7 Competency audit Based on GSB generic learning outcomes and LD 510 specific learning outcomes Scale of 1-5 (1 lowest competency) Allocate 1-3 (provide plans for development) Allocate 4-5 (provide evidence of attained competency) For criteria on evidence see guidelines in the information document

8 Professional development A: Self Reflection B: Job Application C: Promotes growth D: Integrated thinking

9 Self reflection “It has also allowed me the opportunity of acknowledging the amount of knowledge which I have obtained as a result of the class, group and individual work which have come together to form this module.” “It was a good opportunity to reflect on the LD510 experience.” “It was an opportunity to reflect further on my goals.”

10 Job application “I would love to apply for a job one day with a relevant e-portfolio - the sky is the limit, and I already have so much stuff on the computer that I could contribute.” “I believe that by building an e-portfolio at the start of your formal education would provide you with a powerful tool, which could be used to enhance your employment opportunities because of the detail and supporting evidence it can provide.” “I feel confident knowing that I have a competitive edge using the e- portfolio in future job applications.”

11 Promotes personal and professional growth “The personal and professional goals was probably the most valuable area for me as it helped me focus on the reasons for undertaking the MLM and the benefits for myself and my employer.” “The e-portfolio has also allowed me to logically and realistically plan my continual development in the area of leadership development, since it has provided me with the opportunity to design a plan of action for achieving my goals in this area.”

12 Integrated thinking “To have to use my lateral thinking skills in seeking useful examples from prior learning. It reinforced past learning and was a means of revising what had been done in previous units and how they could be utilized in future learning.” “The competency audit in particular highlighted the link between the units already undertaken and how they were started to form an overall picture that linked together to form one larger cycle of learning.”

13 Life long learning A: Can be used in future B: Taught technical skills C: Introduction to new concepts D: Teamwork

14 Can be used in future “A very valuable and practical tool that will be used beyond this unit.” “I can see long term benefits in building on the documentation that I have now started.” “Useful and different tool to give yourself an edge over your competitors.” “Gained a comprehensive framework to use as a guide for further study on leadership and management issues.”

15 Taught technical skill “Developed my understanding of the use of PowerPoint and the different functions of the computer for better presentation of any assignments or portfolios in future.” “Developed patience and the phrase "save "and "save often".”

16 Introduction to new concepts “I found the experience interesting, something new to learn.” “…a knowledge of a new product on the market- that may have application in other environments.” “The importance of integrating new knowledge into the work environment and implementing it in new ways.”

17 Teamwork “Gained further appreciation of teamwork through the advice of other LD 510 members. It is all about actively utilizing the skills of all members of the team.” “The gains in knowledge and understanding I have made from participating in teams which include people from a different working background to myself.” “Working in a team requires the courage to confront and resolve issues rather than simply working around them.”

18 Recommendations A: More technical detail B: More examples

19 More technical detail “Because my computer skills are still reasonably basic, I had to spend longer than perhaps others to produce some simple power point presentations etc however, this is all part of the learning curve.” “I felt that I would be unable to do more than an adequate presentation given my inadequate computer knowledge, skills and access to hardware and therefore, was not looking forward to it.”

20 More examples “Maybe the two hours could have shown us more examples, talk specifics not just technical - where to find everything, but what to include, how it should 'look' and 'feel'. I would like my next e-portfolio to have more effects so classes on that would be great too.” “To have a lecture inclusive of more presentations of e-portfolios would give people a better understanding of what an e-portfolio is, what is expected and what one actually looks like.”

21 Acknowledgments Ms Carmel Moynihan E-learning project manager (GSB) Mr Diederick Naude Research assistant (GSB)

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