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PASSIVE VOICE Active = subject acts on verb Passive = verb acts on subject.

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2 PASSIVE VOICE Active = subject acts on verb Passive = verb acts on subject

3 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Claudia prepares dinner. 2. Claudia was reading a book. 3. Claudia will see her friends in the Forum. 4. Claudia is writing a letter. WAIT! Ask yourself: “Is the subject doing the action?” OR “Is the subject receiving the action?”

4 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Claudia prepares dinner. 2. Claudia was reading a book. 3. Claudia will see her friends in the Forum. 4. Claudia is writing a letter. 1. ACTIVE

5 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Claudia prepares dinner. 2. Claudia was reading a book. 3. Claudia will see her friends in the Forum. 4. Claudia is writing a letter. 1. ACTIVE 2. ACTIVE

6 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Claudia prepares dinner. 2. Claudia was reading a book. 3. Claudia will see her friends in the Forum. 4. Claudia is writing a letter. 1. ACTIVE 2. ACTIVE 3. ACTIVE

7 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Claudia prepares dinner. 2. Claudia was reading a book. 3. Claudia will see her friends in the Forum. 4. Claudia is writing a letter. 1. ACTIVE 2. ACTIVE 3. ACTIVE 4. ACTIVE

8 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Dinner is prepared by Claudia. 2. A book was read by Claudia. 3. Claudia’s friends will be seen by her in the Forum. 4. A letter is written by Claudia. WAIT! Ask yourself: “Is the subject doing the action?” OR “Is the subject receiving the action?”

9 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Dinner is prepared by Claudia. 2. A book was read by Claudia. 3. Claudia’s friends will be seen by her in the Forum. 4. A letter is written by Claudia. 1. PASSIVE

10 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Dinner is prepared by Claudia. 2. A book was read by Claudia. 3. Claudia’s friends will be seen by her in the Forum. 4. A letter is written by Claudia. 1. PASSIVE 2. PASSIVE

11 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Dinner is prepared by Claudia. 2. A book was read by Claudia. 3. Claudia’s friends will be seen by her in the Forum. 4. A letter is written by Claudia. 1. PASSIVE 2. PASSIVE 3. PASSIVE

12 Is each verb active or passive? 1. Dinner is prepared by Claudia. 2. A book was read by Claudia. 3. Claudia’s friends will be seen by her in the Forum. 4. A letter is written by Claudia. 1. PASSIVE 2. PASSIVE 3. PASSIVE 4. PASSIVE

13 Active or Passive? 1. The students love the Latin language. 2. The Latin language is loved by the students. 3. The Romans were fighting many wars. 4. Many wars were fought by the Romans. 5. The neighbors are seen in the street.

14 Active or Passive? 1. The students love the Latin language. A 2. The Latin language is loved by the students. 3. The Romans were fighting many wars. 4. Many wars were fought by the Romans. 5. The neighbors are seen in the street.

15 Active or Passive? 1. The students love the Latin language. A 2. The Latin language is loved by the students. P 3. The Romans were fighting many wars. 4. Many wars were fought by the Romans. 5. The neighbors are seen in the street.

16 Active or Passive? 1. The students love the Latin language. A 2. The Latin language is loved by the students. P 3. The Romans were fighting many wars. A 4. Many wars were fought by the Romans. 5. The neighbors are seen in the street.

17 Active or Passive? 1. The students love the Latin language. A 2. The Latin language is loved by the students. P 3. The Romans were fighting many wars. A 4. Many wars were fought by the Romans. P 5. The neighbors are seen in the street.

18 Active or Passive? 1. The students love the Latin language. A 2. The Latin language is loved by the students. P 3. The Romans were fighting many wars. A 4. Many wars were fought by the Romans. P 5. The neighbors are seen in the street. P

19 PASSIVE VOICE ENDINGS Use these endings with the present stem: (O)R MUR RIS MINI TUR NTUR Continue to use tense signs (e.g., “ba,” “bi,” “e”). Please copy this slide.

20 Let’s compare conjugations in PRESENT tense. PortoDoceoPonoCapioMunio PortasDocesPonisCapisMunis PortatDocetPonitCapitMunit Now lookat theseforms inpassivevoice…. PortorDoceorPonorCapiorMunior PortarisDocerisPoneris*Caperis*Muniris PortaturDoceturPoniturCapiturMunitur

21 ACTIVE Voice Review Let’s compare conjugations in IMPERFECT tense. PortabamDocebamPonebamCapiebamMuniebam PortabasDocebasPonebasCapiebasMuniebas PortabatDocebatPonebatCapiebatMuniebat Now lookat theseforms inpassivevoice…. PortabarDocebarPonebarCapiebarMuniebar PortabarisDocebarisPonebarisCapiebarisMuniebaris PortabaturDocebaturPonebaturCapiebaturMuniebatur

22 Let’s compare conjugations in FUTURE tense. PortaboDoceboPonamCapiamMuniam PortabisDocebisPonesCapiesMunies PortabitDocebitPonetCapietMuniet Now lookat theseforms inpassivevoice…. PortaborDoceborPonarCapiarMuniar Portaberis*Doceberis*PonerisCapierisMunieris PortabiturDocebiturPoneturCapieturMunietur

23 Translate the active verbs on the left. 1. we are carrying 2. we will carry 3. we were carrying

24 Translate the active verbs on the left. 1. we are carrying 2. we will carry 3. we were carrying 1. portamus

25 Translate the active verbs on the left. 1. we are carrying 2. we will carry 3. we were carrying 1. portamus 2. portabimus

26 Translate the active verbs on the left. 1. we are carrying 2. we will carry 3. we were carrying 1. portamus 2. portabimus 3. portabamus

27 Now, change each active voice ending to passive voice. Then, provide a passive English translation. 1. we are carrying 2. we will carry 3. we were carrying 1. portamus 2. portabimus 3. portabamus

28 Now, change each active voice ending to passive voice. Then, provide a passive English translation. we are carrying we are carried we will carry we were carrying 1. portamus -- portamur 2. portabimus 3. portabamus

29 Now, change each active voice ending to passive voice. Then, provide a passive English translation. we are carried we will carry we will be carried we were carrying 1. portamus -- portamur 2. portabimus -- portabimur 3. portabamus

30 Now, change each active voice ending to passive voice. Then, provide a passive English translation. 1. we are carrying we are carried 1. we will carry we will be carried 1. we were carrying we were carried 1. portamus -- portamur 2. portabimus -- portabimur 3. portabamus -- portabamur Please copy this slide.

31 Perfect Passive System The rules for forming passive voice of perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect are NOT like the previous three tenses.

32 Use a form of the verb “sum” with the 4 th principal part of a verb to form the passive of perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect. PORTATUS SUM = I have been carried PORTATUS ERAM = I had been carried PORTATUS ERO = I will have been carried Please copy this slide.

33 Translate. HE had been placed you will have been placed I have been placed pono, ponere, posui, positus = place, put positus erat = positus eris = positus sum =

34 Piscis a coquo non captus erat.

35 The fish had not been caught by the cook.

36 Perfect Passive System Use 4 th principal part AND Present tense of sum for perfect passive (have been/has been) Imperfect tense – eram – for pluperfect passive (had been) Future tense– ero – for future perfect passive (will have been) Please copy this slide.

37 Review Questions: Which principal part should be used with perfect passive, pluperfect passive, or future perfect passive?

38 Review Questions: Which principal part should be used with perfect passive, pluperfect passive, or future perfect passive? FOURTH

39 Review Question: What helping verbs are used with these verbs that accompany the 4 th principal part? 1.sum 2.eram 3.ero

40 Review Question: What helping verbs are used with these verbs that accompany the 4 th principal part? 1.sum = have been / has been 2.eram 3.ero

41 Review Question: What helping verbs are used with these verbs that accompany the 4 th principal part? 1.sum = have been / has been 2.eram 3.ero

42 Review Question: What helping verbs are used with these verbs that accompany the 4 th principal part? 1.sum = have been / has been 2.eram = had been 3.ero

43 Review Question: What helping verbs are used with these verbs that accompany the 4 th principal part? 1.sum = have been / has been 2.eram = had been 3.ero = will have been

44 Optime! Now, you’re ready to translate.

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