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Shared Story Miss Sid Meets Sad Sam Content Objective: decode words.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared Story Miss Sid Meets Sad Sam Content Objective: decode words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared Story Miss Sid Meets Sad Sam Content Objective: decode words.
Language Objective: Generate sounds from some letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and short-vowel patterns (phonograms) and combine those sounds into recognizable words. (1R 1-2: PO6)

2 Green Words and Matt Miss Tad sat Dad’s it
Content Objective: decode words. Language Objective: Generate sounds from some letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and short-vowel patterns (phonograms) and combine those sounds into recognizable words. (1R 1-2: PO6)

3 Red Words love birthday was
Content objective: to read high frequency words. Language objective: Recognize some (five to 25) common high frequency sight words. (1R 1-3: PO5)

4 Partner Sentence Reading
Content objective: to read high frequency words. Language objective: Recognize some (five to 25) common high frequency sight words. (1R 1-3: PO5)

5 Darius and Jon-Banay will read to us today!
Reading Celebration Darius and Jon-Banay will read to us today!

6 STaR story Content objective: to listen attentively and respond appropriately to oral communications. Language objective: Respond appropriately to most social interactions, including introducing self, asking about another person, and answering questions about personal information, using key words, phrases, and some simple sentences.

7 Story Vocabulary egg hatch nectar male female chicks migrate hover

8 A hummingbird is ________.
Language Links A hummingbird is ________. Content objective: to listen attentively and respond appropriately to oral communications. Language objective: Respond appropriately to most social interactions, including introducing self, asking about another person, and answering questions about personal information, using key words, phrases, and some simple sentences.

9 It’s time for a cheer! Content objective: to listen attentively and respond appropriately to oral communications. Language objective: Respond appropriately to most social interactions, including introducing self, asking about another person, and answering questions about personal information, using key words, phrases, and some simple sentences.

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