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Presentation Title Presented by Joe Blow Heat Transfer 101 & ROI.

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1 Presentation Title Presented by Joe Blow Heat Transfer 101 & ROI

2 Heat Transfer 101 What is Heat Transfer? Fouling Different types of HX equipment Energy Savings Return on Investment

3 What is Heat Transfer Heat transfer -is moving energy (heat, btu, Kw,etc.) from one fluid to another fluid or gas through some type of medium (usually metal)

4 Fouling Fouling occurs when any type of particles both organic or inorganic plug or plate out on heat transfer surfaces creating a resistance to transfer energy There are two types of fouling – Macro-fouling – Micro-fouling

5 Fouling Macro-fouling – Sand – Silt – Scale – Rust – Mineral deposits Example- Calcium Carbonate Micro-fouling – Biological growth – Algae – Bacteria – Mussels Micro-fouling is controlled by water treatment Macro vs Micro

6 Fouling Many contaminants mix together to form larger deposits – Example- CaCO 3 mixed with sand makes concrete It is these large particles that create problems

7 Fouling Are dissolved solids and particles under 40 micron a problem? Typically no, as they do not precipitate out of solution until they reach 120F, or if the ph is out of balance The Bigger the Particle….The Bigger the Problem

8 Fouling Particle Size vs. Volume with 1 Trillion Particles Size of ParticleQuantity of ParticlesVolume % Volume 5um212.5 Billion14.58cm³14580mm³ 3um212.5 Billion3.11cm³3110mm³ 1um212.5 Billion0.11cm³110mm³ 0.45um212.5 Billion0.0098cm³9.8mm³ Sub Total:850 Billion17.83cm³17809mm³1% 10um37.5 Billion21.30cm³21300mm³ 25um37.5 Billion303.16cm³303160mm³ 50um37.5 Billion2459.70cm³2459700mm³ 75um37.5 Billion8260.72cm³8260720mm³ Sub Total:150 Billion Particles11044.88cm³11044880mm³99%

9 Heat Exchangers Plate Heat ExchangerShell and Tube Heat Exchangers

10 Plate Heat Exchangers Very effective way to transfer heat Compact in size High sheer stress on plates -This helps to reduce fouling U-Values range from 500-1000 Video LinkVideo Link-Alfa Laval Plate Heat Exchanger

11 Plate Heat Exchangers Turbulence helps prevent particles from settling or plating out. Particle build up creates “Resistance/Fouling” inside equipment Industrial plates are usually designed with a 8mm pressing depth PHE are designed to pass particles up to half of the plate pressing depth o Example- A 8mm plate can pass a particle 4mm (or 4000 microns) o Note: Lakos JPX Separators remove particles down to 74um microns. eJPX down to 44um.

12 Plate Heat Exchangers Every PHE is designed with a certain flow rate Reducing flow just a few gpm can dramatically reduce the PHE performance – This is why strainers and cartridge filters are not recommended for use with a PHE – Separators do not have a barrier and therefore do not build up differential pressure and reduce flow to the PHE.

13 Fouling Using a separator prior to a PHE reduces the Particulate Fouling Factor (PFF) and provides a huge energy savings –Example U-value of 500 x PFF.0001 = 5% energy savings –Example U-value of 1000 x PFF.0001= 10% energy savings

14 Fouling It is sometimes cheaper to buy a separator than it is to buy replacement gaskets for a PHE Full flow separators reduce PHE maintenance by a factor of 7 Every PHE should have a energy saving separator to maintain the designed temperature approach

15 Energy Saving Separator Plate Heat Exchanger Application

16 Sears Tower Application Energy Saving Separator

17 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Prone to fouling especially during low flow or downturn Particles tend to settle with laminar flow

18 Chillers Chillers consume a large portion of energy in any industrial process. Most companies do not protect their chillers from fouling As fouling occurs, the chiller must work harder to maintain the designed heat transfer rate

19 Chillers The #1 goal is to protect your chiller/heat exchangers from fouling. If you are cleaning tubes or plates every year you are not utilizing proper filtration. 90% of customers have to clean chiller tubes and or plates each year.

20 Chillers Fouling Factors In Evaporative Cooling loops we should consider the Particulate Fouling Factor (PFF) due to the constant ingression of solids

21 Cooling Towers Solids Loading Example – Solids Load 5ppm (Ashrae Standard) – 250 ton tower – Operating 2000 hours

22 Cooling Towers Solids Loading 105,000 Cubic Inches of Solids or 5 inches (13 cm) deep

23 Particulate Fouling Factors (PF) Particulate is constantly entering the cooling tower loop and mixing with mineral deposits like CaCO3 that create fouling This is why many customers punch chiller tubes every year

24 Chiller Punching or Cleaning tubes is very maintenance intensive Video Link – Heat Exchanger Tube Cleaning Video Link With proper filtration customers could extend this maintenance to an average of 4-5 years

25 How to Protect HT Equipment Basin Sweeping Filtration Full Flow Filtration Side Stream Filtration Closed Loop Filtration

26 How to Protect HT Equipment Note- Basin Sweeping is the preferred method for protecting most industrial equipment as it is the ONLY form of filtration that protects heat exchangers, nozzles, and the cooling tower. 95% of all particulate problems start in the cooling tower.

27 JCX Basin Sweeping System

28 Energy Savings Example- 1000 ton chiller paying $.07 Kw/hr Operating 52 weeks/year, 24 hrs/day 65% Design efficiency Kw/tn at 70% load Annual energy cost $306,066 Add a Particulate Fouling Factor of.001 and energy increases 11% or $33,667/ year Chiller

29 Energy Savings Now use a typical particulate fouling factor of.002 Annual energy cost is $306,066 Energy increases 22% or $67,334/year

30 Wasting Energy? Are you really maximizing profits? Would you run your AC at home with the windows open? Would you run your heat with the doors open?

31 Where else in your facility can you have an impact on energy savings? – 11% to 33% energy savings every year just from basin sweeping Filtration is not an option it is a must!

32 Return on Investment Most paybacks are less than a year While there are savings in chemicals, maintenance, and water…..these savings are peanuts compared to the potential ENERGY savings to be realized from not fouling Heat Exchanger equipment!!!

33 Link to ROI Spreadsheet Return on Investment

34 Questions?

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