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+ Grade 5 Maturation By Kaija Gnazdowsky & Letecia Hayes, UBC-O Nursing Students 2015. Further Developed, Adapted and Edited by Christine Balfour, District.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Grade 5 Maturation By Kaija Gnazdowsky & Letecia Hayes, UBC-O Nursing Students 2015. Further Developed, Adapted and Edited by Christine Balfour, District."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Grade 5 Maturation By Kaija Gnazdowsky & Letecia Hayes, UBC-O Nursing Students 2015. Further Developed, Adapted and Edited by Christine Balfour, District Health Promoting Schools Coordinator, Vernon BC

2 + Ground Rules G – Giggling is okay R – Raise your hand O – Option to pass on answering questions is allowed U – Use appropriate words when describing the body N – No question is silly D – Do listen to others when they are speaking

3 + Healthy Food Choices Breakfast What food choice is healthier?

4 + Healthy Food Choices Lunch What food choice is healthier?

5 + Healthy Food Choices? Dinner What food choice is healthiest?

6 + Healthy Food Choices Snacks What snack choice is healthier?

7 + Canada’s Food Guide Ages 9-13 years Amount of servings Fruit and Vegetables6 Grain Products6 Milk and Alternatives3-4 Meat and Alternatives1-2

8 + Examples Vegetables and Fruit- Fresh, frozen, or canned fruit and vegetables- 1 serving refers to ½ cup Grain Products- 1 slice of bread, ½ bagel, ½ cup cooked rice or quinoa, ½ cup cooked pasta Milk and Alternatives- 1 cup milk, ¾ cup yogurt Meat and Alternatives- chicken, beef, fish(75g- ½ cup), ¾ cup cooked legumes, 2 eggs, 2tbsp of peanut butter

9 + Physical Activity What do you do to stay physically active?

10 + Physical Activity What you can do to stay physically active. Bike/walk to school Encourage family to participate in outdoor activities (hiking, sports, swimming, dancing) Participate in activities with your friends

11 + How to maintain Emotional Health What is emotional health? What are some things you do to promote emotional health?

12 + How to Maintain Emotional Health Have “me” time (ex. Take a bath, exercise, reading, listen to music, write in a diary) Breathing exercises Talk to someone about how you feel (friends, family member, counsellor, animals) Participate in physical activity

13 + Ground Rules G – Giggling is okay R – Raise your hand O – Option to pass on answering questions is allowed U – Use appropriate words when describing the body N – No question is silly D – Do listen to others when they are speaking

14 + Puberty What is puberty? What starts puberty? What age does puberty start for girls? What age does puberty start for boys?

15 + Through Periods of Rapid Growth Three periods of rapid growth From conception to birth the human fetus grows from one cell (fertilized ovum) to 26 trillion cells. This is the most rapid growth period. In the first year an infant usually triples its birth weight, the second most rapid growth period. Imagine if you tripled your weight in the next year! Puberty is the last rapid growth period in life. It is the slowest of the three and is different than the others because it includes reproductive changes as well as a growth spurt.

16 + PUBERTY Puberty involves changes in Emotions Thoughts Friendships & Body Changes

17 + Changes in Emotion Mood swings – wider range of emotions, greater intensity of emotions Peer pressure becomes more powerful Sensitive to criticism – especially from parents More self-conscious Attraction and crushes

18 + Changes in Thought Scared, nervous, excited…about all the new situations in your world…growing up, leaving elementary school, new friends Wanting more independence…making decisions on your own, questioning authority like your parents or the school Thinking about identity….asking “Who am I?” Wanting to “fit in”

19 + Social Changes (Friends) Sometimes embarrassed… by family, friends, your own body or behaviour Want to choose own friends Choosing friends for different reasons Want more control…over what you do with free time

20 + Changes in the Body Boys Become taller, gain weight Get pimples Grow pubic hair, underarm hair more arm and leg hair Hair may become oily Have body odor Produce sperm, wet dreams? Penis and testicles grow bigger, erections Develop wider shoulder, chests Voice becomes deeper Facial hair, chest hair

21 + Changes in the Body Girls Become taller, gain weight Get pimples Grow pubic hair, underarm hair, more arm and leg hair Hair may become oily Have body odor Ovulation now occurs- pregnancy possible Begin to menstruate Breast become larger Develop wider hips Vaginal Discharge

22 + Female Reproductive System

23 + Male Reproductive System

24 + How to prevent communicable diseases Washing hands frequently Covering mouth when coughing or sneezing Avoiding contact with the body fl uids of others Getting adequate rest and nutrition

25 + How can you contribute to safe school environment Taking responsibility for personal actions Supporting others Promoting respect for diversity

26 + Healthy Relationships Healthy: love, compassion, trust, friendship, happiness, laughter, respect, open communication, comfort, honesty, independence Unhealthy: Jealousy, other person tries to change you, lies, blaming, fear, lack of trust, low self-esteem, abuse, feel you can’t be yourself

27 + Boundaries Good touch- hand shake, high five,fist pump, pat on the back Bad Touch: private parts, uh oh feeling,too close for too long kiss/hug (depends on the person it is from)

28 + Video Grade 5 maturation video

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