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World II – Basic Geography Goal 2a, 2c, 2d &2e. A TRIP ACROSS THE WORLD!

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Presentation on theme: "World II – Basic Geography Goal 2a, 2c, 2d &2e. A TRIP ACROSS THE WORLD!"— Presentation transcript:

1 World II – Basic Geography Goal 2a, 2c, 2d &2e


3 What civilization is this? Japan

4 What civilization is this? China

5 What civilization is this? India

6 What peninsula is this? Arabian

7 What sea is this? Mediterranean

8 What ocean is this? Indian

9 What sea is this? Black

10 What continent is this? Europe

11 What continent is this? Asia

12 What continent is this? Africa

13 What civilization is this? Egypt

14 What river is this? Nile

15 What civilization is this? Songhai

16 What civilization is this? Rome

17 What civilization is this? Greece

18 What religion dominates this area? Islam

19 What religion dominates this area? Hinduism

20 What religion dominates the continent of Europe? Christianity

21 What religion is found in Israel and parts of Europe? Judaism

22 Geography of Major Empires

23 Geography of MAJOR EMPIRES in 1500

24 This is a map of the entire world…

25 Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

26 Eastern Hemisphere England

27 Eastern Hemisphere France

28 Eastern Hemisphere Spain

29 Eastern Hemisphere Russia Russia is this vast area in the northern part of Asia

30 Eastern Hemisphere Ottoman Empire

31 Eastern Hemisphere Persia

32 Eastern Hemisphere China

33 Eastern Hemisphere Mughal India

34 Eastern Hemisphere Songhai Empire

35 Western Hemisphere

36 Inca Empire

37 Manchu Picchu




41 Aztec Empire



44 The pyramid was used as a calendar: four stairways, each with 91 steps and a platform at the top, making a total of 365, equivalent to the number of days in a calendar year.


46 Major Accomplishments of the Aztec & Incan civilizations Calendars Mathematics Writing and other record-keeping systems Roads/bridges

47 World Trade

48 On your map, neatly label… Black Baltic Asia S. China Sahara Atlantic Africa

49 World Trade Routes – The Silk Road

50 World Trade Routes – Maritime Across Indian Ocean

51 World Trade Routes – Trans-Saharan

52 World Trade Routes – Northern European links to Black Sea

53 World Trade Routes – Western European Sea & River Trade

54 World Trade Routes – South China Sea & lands of Southeast Asia

55 List of Trade Routes Silk Road – across Asia to the Mediterranean Basin. Maritime (sea) routes across the Indian Ocean Trans-Saharan routes across North Africa Northern European rivers above the Black Sea. Western European sea and river trade. South China Sea and lands of Southeast Asia.

56 Paper (China)

57 Navigation Compass (China)

58 Silk (China)

59 Porcelain (China)

60 Textiles – (India & Middle East) Silk (China) Cotton (India)

61 Numeral System (India & Middle East)

62 Astronomy, Math & Medicine

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