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CMPT 275 TEAM DIRECTORIES. One Sentence Summary The Study Buddy is: a tool to help users study to improve their grades by simulating a multiple choice.

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Presentation on theme: "CMPT 275 TEAM DIRECTORIES. One Sentence Summary The Study Buddy is: a tool to help users study to improve their grades by simulating a multiple choice."— Presentation transcript:


2 One Sentence Summary The Study Buddy is: a tool to help users study to improve their grades by simulating a multiple choice exam.

3 Target Audience

4 What the System does in Clear Language Multiple Choice Questions – Questions are selected based on user’s progress Progress tracking – Login System, ability to keep track of own profile Scoring System

5 Basic System Implementation Details and Design Choices


7 GUI Simple Layout Easy to Use Large Buttons Able to Display Pictures Consistent layout for easy navigation

8 Demo

9 Plug-in Architecture


11 Adding Questions


13 Login Screen Username must be at least two characters. Password must be at least six characters. All characters expect for “&” can be used for username and password.

14 Demo

15 Adaptive Features Changes difficulty when a certain score have been reach Will start the difficulty depending on the users level from the last time they used that buddy


17 Demo

18 A discussion of the testing you did to ensure that the system works correctly and why you should believe our system is error-free and works as promised.

19 Testing Automated Junit Testing Extreme Cases Tests every non-trivial method Tests every line of code at least once Path Testing for Adaptive Engine


21 Known Bugs Frame Size is not constant Buddy hangs unexpectedly

22 Features that we wished to implement but did not

23 Timer Difficulty Selection Loading/Saving of Games Giving more than four choices for each question (modifiable GUI) Changing Passwords

24 User Feedback

25 Anonymous Tester 1 Tested out chem buddy Simple GUI compared to other fancy applications Useful for studying Could use more questions on certain topics

26 Anonymous Tester 2 Test out rock buddy Found it helpful that he could not proceed to the next question before getting the right answer to the current question. Not enough questions

27 Anonymous Tester 3 Test out Jokester Buddy Didn’t find the jokes funny

28 Using the software ourselves

29 Finally a Post Mortem analysis of your team and project

30 Which project management techniques worked well Dividing up the work on in a modular way Having weekly meetings

31 What project management techniques did not work so well Trying to work on the project at the same time Using SVN Extensively

32 Major “Human” Problems Two separate ideas of implementing the same thing

33 Technical Problems SVN Java not working Netbeans crashes on older machine

34 What we would do differently if we were to do the project all over again Write Better Comments from the start More Peer Review for the Code Start work early on assignments Work on completing the requirements before working on ‘extra’ features

35 What we would do the same if we did the project all over again Divide up the work and work individually Have team meetings at least once a week

36 THE END!!!!!!!!!

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