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Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA).  Coeus is now updated with the SF424 D-Forms for all NIH submissions due May 25, 2016 and after.  For proposals.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA).  Coeus is now updated with the SF424 D-Forms for all NIH submissions due May 25, 2016 and after.  For proposals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)

2  Coeus is now updated with the SF424 D-Forms for all NIH submissions due May 25, 2016 and after.  For proposals submitted prior to May 25, 2016, please continue using C-form set.  Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA)have been revised for use with the new D-Forms.  Proposals started in Coues prior to release of revised FOA, the revised FOA will need to be added to the current proposal and re-synced prior to routing of the proposal for SPA approval.

3  Forms that are changing in Coeus include:  PHS398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form  PHS398 Cover Page Supplement  PHS398 Research Plan  PHS398 Research Training Program Plan  PHS398 Training Budget  PHS Assignment Request  PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form  PHS Inclusion Enrollment Report

4  New Attachments  Candidate Information and Goals for Career Development  combines Candidate’s Background, Career Goals and Objectives and Candidates Plan for Career Development Training Activities during Award Period  Data Safety Monitoring Plan  Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources  Updated Citizenship selections  included in questionnaire rather than on Proposal Person Screen

5  New Vertebrate Animals Section  New questions included in questionnaire :  Are Animals euthanized? Yes/No  If Yes, is method consistent with AVMA guidelines? Yes/No  If No to AVMA guidelines, describe method/provide scientific justification  Removed - Disclosure Permission Statement question

6  New Attachments  Data Safety Monitoring Plan  Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources

7  New Attachment  Plan for the Instruction in Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility  Removed “Background” and “Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity” attachments  information previously included in these attachments moved to existing “Program Plan” attachment

8  New optional form  Used to provide structured information to NIH referral staff regarding funding component assignment preference, study section preference, individuals who should not review your application due to conflicts, and scientific areas of expertise needed to review your application  Complements existing “Cover Letter Attachment” on SF424 (R&R) form

9  New Attachments  Applicant’s Background and Goals for Fellowship Training attachment  Combines “Doctoral Dissertation and Other Research Experience”, “Goals for Training and Career”, and “Activities Planned Under Award” attachments into a single attachment  Letters of Support from Collaborators, Contributors, and Consultants  Description of Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training  Data Safety Monitoring Plan  Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources  New Vertebrate Animals questions  Are Animals euthanized? Yes/No  If Yes, is method consistent with AVMA guidelines? Yes/No  If No to AVMA guidelines, describe method/provide scientific justification  Updated list of values for the “Field of Training for Current Proposal” field  changed from 4-digit codes to 3-digit codes  Updated Citizenship selections  asked through Questionnaire, not in Proposal Person screen

10  Combines Planned Enrollment Report and Cumulative Inclusion Enrollment Report forms into a single form  New Questions used to identify type of Report:  Delayed onset study? (Yes/No)  Enrollment Type? Planned/Cumulative (Actual)  Using an Existing Dataset or Resource? (Yes/No)  Participants Location? Domestic/Foreign  Clinical Trial? Yes/No  NIH-Defined Phase II Clinical Trial? (Yes/No)

11 OD-16-004.html  FAQs – Forms Update 2016

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