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Cover Letter Magic Rachael Wendler, English 307. Cover Letter The purpose of a cover letter is to summarize the person’s relevant experience, to express.

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Presentation on theme: "Cover Letter Magic Rachael Wendler, English 307. Cover Letter The purpose of a cover letter is to summarize the person’s relevant experience, to express."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cover Letter Magic Rachael Wendler, English 307

2 Cover Letter The purpose of a cover letter is to summarize the person’s relevant experience, to express interest in the position, and to demonstrate writing ability. – Lisa Whittington, HR Director, Marriott Corp

3 Format Standard business letter format Your name, address, email and phone, SPACE, the date, SPACE, the addressee’s name, and the addressee’s address. 11 or 12-pt, professional font and block formatting, and stay to one page.

4 Greeting To Whom It May Concern = “I didn’t take the time to look up who I’m writing to.” l l Ms., Miss., Mrs. If unsure of gender, list full name Colon not comma

5 First Paragraph Job title Traditional– why writing, how found job (ad, job fair, someone you both know). New generation –state need of the employer’s (& how you will meet it), promise a benefit, or refer to relevant news. If a contact at the company recommended you apply, or if you recently spoke with someone there, highlight that!

6 Middle Paragraphs What you can bring Can use bullets Short paragraphs Based on Job Ad! Demonstrate you’ve researched company

7 Last Paragraph Invite them to interview/contact you How to reach you (phone, email) or tell them you will be calling them by a certain time (usually a week). Details about next steps

8 Closing Include a valediction Formal (e.g. “Sincerely” or “Cordially” rather than “Thanks”) Room to sign your name, then your typed name

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