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Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 28, 2011 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green.

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1 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 28, 2011 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

2 Objective: Students will explain why Britain adopted policies of tighter political control and higher taxation of Americans after 1763 and how these policies sparked fierce colonial resentment. Drill: “Young man, there is America-which at this day serves for little more than to amuse you with stories of savage men and uncouth manners; yet shall, before you taste of death, show itself equal to the whole of that commerce which now attracts the envy of the world” Edmund Burke

3 Students will complete the Tax chart and present findings to the class.

4 Students will read the testimony of Ben Franklin before the House of Commons in London. How does Franklin report the impact of the Stamp Act on the American colonists?

5 British East India Company Complete monopoly of American tea business Boston Tea Party symbolic rallying cry for the nation-why? British reaction Home rule or intolerable Acts Closed Boston Harbor restrictions on town meetings enforcing officials indicted for murder of colonists tried in Britain Quartering Act Quebec Act expanded Catholic jurisdiction into an area earmarked for Protestantism

6 1 st Continental Congress-1774 Declaration of rights-John Adams persuades for revolution over home rule The Association-complete boycott of British goods Parliament rejected Congress’s petitions Lexington and Concord Britain wanted to seize gunpowder and stop the rebels

7 Professional army Paid Mercenaries British Treasury American Loyalists Native Americans Oppressed Ireland France Family Second-rate generals/poor food Distance Physical features Traded space for time

8 Leadership-George Washington/Ben Franklin Foreign Aid-from France Defensive Fight Self-sustaining Moral advantage/just cause Jealousy Economic difficulties/inflation

9 Students will discuss the testimony of Ben Franklin as it relates to the Stamp Act.

10  Read Chapter 7 pages 135 (Tea) -145  Work on focus questions for Chapter 7 that are due on Wednesday September 22.  Begin work on Chapter 7 Focus Questions.  Begin Studying for Test on Friday September 24 th  Email me so that I can email you the study guide. If that does not work, please let me know.

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