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Body-art. Body art (born body art - «art of the body") - a form of avant-garde art, where the main object of art is the human body, but the content is.

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Presentation on theme: "Body-art. Body art (born body art - «art of the body") - a form of avant-garde art, where the main object of art is the human body, but the content is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body-art

2 Body art (born body art - «art of the body") - a form of avant-garde art, where the main object of art is the human body, but the content is revealed with the help of non-verbal language: postures, gestures, facial expressions, body drawing on characters' jewelry ". The object of body art may also make drawings, photos, videos and plaster casts of the body.

3 Bodypainting and lay art, bodipeynting (born body painting) - is the art of painting on the body. This is the most common form of body art, which has its principal place of paint on the face (face-art), and body. Is well-known nail art - nail painting. Mandy - painting the body with henna, the most durable - lasts for three weeks.

4 Tattooing (from Polynesian - "label") - types of modifications of the skin, consisting of layers of skin implanted in a special color pigments. In contrast to the painting on the body image is saved for a lifetime. This includes permanent makeup, as well as, for example, cosmetic tattoo walleye.

5 Piercing (born piercing - «puncture," "pricking holes") - threading objects into the openings made for that effect on the body or face. Sometimes referred to this species skaysy (overlays on teeth) and "Eye Implants" (lining the eyes of the tunica albuginea).

6 Scarification, scarification, scart (Latin scarifico - «scratch") - a special application to the body scars, in final form constitute a pattern or design.

7 Implantation (Lat. im - «inside» and Latin. Plantatio - «I plant") - surgery to implant into the body tissues of alien structures and materials. These include not only the subcutaneous and other implants, and common operation for breast augmentation.

8 Body modification (Lat. modus - «measure, form, image," and Lat. Facio - «do") - changes in the structure of the body - from the "elf ears" and forked tongue to amputations, deformities.

9 Influence on health In our time, the incidence of skin cancer with young people noticeably grow up. Many people believed that tattoos made ​​ in compliance with all hygiene, totally safe for health. But now we have shown that the appearance of skin cancer is not only guilty of dirty needles and unsanitary cheap tattoo salons. More dangerous are the components that make up the composition of paints tattoo.Colored inks for the application of tattoos includes components such as chromium, lead, titanium, cadmium, nickel, which are known to be heavy metal and highly injurious to health, provoking the emergence of a number of diseases, including skin cancer.

10 People opinion.

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