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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم College of Education for Girls Department of English Translation 1432-1433 H 5 th Level.

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1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم College of Education for Girls Department of English Translation 1432-1433 H 5 th Level

2 General Introduction 1.The Course Plan 2.Revision :Translation Theories and Methods The British’s economy is growing than was expected at the time of the Budget. During the second quarter of the year the GNP rose by about three per cent. Part of this improvement is accounted for by the recovery in the first quarter of the year, when output was cut by unusually severe weather and by strikes. Output in the first half of this year was only about one half percent higher than last year’s.

3 Looking at this text, one can say that : 1.There are words/ lexis. 2.They are structured according to grammatical rules. 3.They indicate certain meanings. 4.The meanings include/involve intended thought/ theme. SD + Ans184 5.All translation theories aim at transferring what’s intended from one language into another. Hsn345 XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Translate the previous Arabic text into English.

4 ينمو الإقتصاد البريطانى بأسرع مما كان متوقعاً عند وقت الميزانية. فقد ارتفع الإنتاج القومى العام حوالى ثلاثة فى المائة خلال الربع الثانى من السنة. ويرجع جزء من هذا التحسن إلى الإنتعاش فى الربع الأول للسنة بعدما قل الإنتاج نتيجة لأحوال الطقس السيئة على غير العادة ونتيجة للإضرابات. وقد زاد الإنتاج فى النصف الأول من هذا العام بحوالى نصف فى المائة فقط عن العام السابق.

5 To translate perfectly, you need to : 1.firstly, understand/comprehend discourse. This means you need to free yourself from words/ lexis to diagnose meaning(s). To do so, you have to read and reread the text. 2.secondly, to think of how you can re-express the intended meaning. This means you have to find equivalence to words, expressions and grammatical structures in source and target languages to make other people understand. But equivalences may not always be possible.

6 3.Try to translate honestly the meaning. 4.By looking into the role of different language components that work together in producing meaning. Grammar- Vocabulary- Style- Phonology International Bar Association Methods of translation It means ways of translating. They are many, but based on two : Literal & Free.

7 Literal Translation This method is understood and applied in three ways : 1.Word-for-word Translation A word in language A is translated into an equivalent one in language B. That child is intelligent. ذكي يكون الطفل ذاك He is living from hand to mouth. فم إلى يد من عائشاً يكون هو هو يكون عائش من يد إلى فم.

8 2.One-to-one Literal Translation It means translating each source language word/ phrase/idiom, etc. into an identical one in the target language. My neighbors are good. جيرانى يكونون طيبين Sanyo is a well-known trademark. سانيو تكون علامة تجارية معروفة جيدا ً This mission is a can of worms. هذه المهمة تكون حفنة مشاكل

9 3.Literal Translation of Meaning It is a direct translation of meaning as closely, accurately and completely as possible. It accounts for context, grammar, word order and metaphorical uses of language. It the best method of literal translation. (run) To run in the race To run a company In the long run To run round To run to fat

10 Free Translation It is a matter of translating the spirit or the message freely and without constraints. It is not committed to translate every single word in a text. It is divided into : a. Bound Free Translation b. Loose Free Translation He got nothing at the end. رجع بخفي حنين, عاد خالى الوفاض She had a new baby. رزقها الله مولوداًجديداً

11 Loose Free Translation Based on the translator’s conclusion, this method goes far away from the direct linguistic context to inferences or what are the intentions of the speaker/ writer. It is half past nine. Thank you, thank you ladies and gentlemen. No bacon with my breakfast, please. إنتهى الوقت / علينا المغادرة / تأخرنا كثيراً هدوء أيها الســــــــادة والسيدات أنا مســـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم


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