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Test Plan IEEE 829 - 1983 Explained by Nimesh Vadgama - QA.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Plan IEEE 829 - 1983 Explained by Nimesh Vadgama - QA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Plan IEEE 829 - 1983 Explained by Nimesh Vadgama - QA

2 Nimesh Vadgama - QA MTP – Master Test Plan Overall testing objective What to test ? How to test ? When to test ? When to stop or resumption testing ? Who will test ?

3 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Overall test objective As a tester, what are we going to achieve from this test ? Why we need testing ? What are the contingency plans to be implemented for this test ?

4 Nimesh Vadgama - QA What to test ? What are the methods,functions,features,obects,clust ers and subsystems needed to test ?

5 Nimesh Vadgama - QA How to test ? Define the strategies,methods,hardware,software tools and techniques for the test? Need to implements methods BVM Equivalence Class Portions State Transition Graphing Error Guessing Exercising with Defect Repository.

6 Nimesh Vadgama - QA When to test ? Define the schedule for each test level. Unit Test Sanity Test GUI / Functional / DB Test If any bug found \ new feature implemented Smoke Test Regression Test Load \ Performance \ Stress Test. User Acceptance Test Installation Test

7 Nimesh Vadgama - QA When to stop \ resumption testing ? It shows criteria by which we can determine when to stop the testing. i.e. If the sanity testing is failed we should stop the further testing and build should be sent back to the developer for alternate codes.

8 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Who will test ? Who are personnel responsible for this test ? Define WBS – Work Breakdown Structure.

9 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Detailed Test Plan Testing goes in more depth. for each testing level weather it would be Functional or DB Testing. Attached Test Design Specification. Test Case Design Specification. Test Procedure Specification. Test Item Transmittal Report.

10 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Design Specification Specify the requirements of test approach. Develop Traceability Matrix. Determine Pass \ Fail Criteria.

11 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Traceability Matrix Requirement IDRequirement Description PriorityStatusTC ID

12 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Design Specification 1. Test Design Specification Identifier. 2. Features to be tested. 3. Approach. 4. Test Case Identifications. 5. Pass \ Fail Criteria.

13 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Case Design Specification Put much attention on this phase. Determine each test case details such as items to be tested, input \ output parameters and test case environment.

14 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Case Design Specification Test Case Identifier. Item to be tested. Input Parameters. Output Parameters. Special Environment needs. Special Procedure needs. Dependencies.

15 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Procedure Specification Defines steps needed to execute certain test case. Includes Test Procedure Specification Identifier. Purpose. Specific Requirements. Procedure Steps. Setup, Start, Proceed, Measure, Shut Down, Restart, Stop,Wrap Up and Contingencies.

16 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Item Transmittal Report When the tester is ready to test an item, He\She must have knowledge about the item’s Version Location of the Item. Responsible to develop the Item. Status of the Item. Approvals. This Report gives all details needs before testing regarding for the item.

17 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Execution Test Log Report. Test Incident Report. Test Summary Report.

18 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Log Report It is the diary of the tester. Specifies the result of each test case after execution. Includes Test Log Identifier. Description. Activities and Event Entries. Execution Description. Procedure Result. Environmental Information. Anomalous Events. Incident Report Identifiers.

19 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Incident Report Anyone who wants to see bugs found by the tester, He\She should see Test Log Report along with Test Incident Report. Test Incident Report shows total description about bugs. Sometime we call as Problem Report.

20 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Incident Report - PR Includes … Test Incident Report Identifier. Summary. Description of the anomaly. Impact. Priority : Importance to fix the bug. Severity : Impact of the bug to the feature.

21 Nimesh Vadgama - QA Test Summary Report When Project Manager or TL does postmortem the project, He\She gets details such as what is the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process by Test Summary Report. Includes Test Summary Report Identifier Variances Deviation from the original Test Plan, Test Design or Test Cases should be mentioned here. Comprehensiveness Assessment : Specify test effort as compared to test objectives and test completeness criteria described in test plan. The author of the document determine any function that is not fully tested or left. Summary of the results : The Author summarizes the results of the testing level. All resolved incidents and their solutions should be described. Unsolved incidents should be recorded. Evaluation. Summary of activities. Approvals.

22 Nimesh Vadgama - QA MTP DTP TDS TPS TCDS TITR TL Report TI Report - PR TS Report Test Execution Test Plan IEEE 829 - 1983

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