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OpenAirInterface5g Welcome Communication Systems Department EURECOM.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenAirInterface5g Welcome Communication Systems Department EURECOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenAirInterface5g Welcome Communication Systems Department EURECOM

2 Agenda  Current Status of the Alliance  Goals of the Workshop –Collaborate with community to develop OAI towards future 3GPP releases  Alliance Projects Overview  Technical Governance OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

3 Current Status of the Alliance  14 New Associate Members in 2016!  UPMC, TUM, Institute Mines Telecom, Comm4Innov, WinLab Rutgers University, Univ. of Bochum, UPC, UESTC, Univ. of Essex, IIT Hyderabad, TNO, UC3M, UNIBE, IT Aveiro  Significant presence of Alliance in US, EU, Asia  Dissemination Status (2016): –MWC 2016, WNS3-2016, OpNFV 2016, Joint ITU-NGMN Workshop (Open Source and Standards for 5G), Funk for 5G (organized by Deutsche Telekom), ETSI Workshop (Research to Standardization), NCC 2016 (5G Roundtable)  We encourage community for joint dissemination with other members (incl. Alliance) OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

4 Alliance Members OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

5 Goals of the workshop  Collaboration with community to further OAI development –Implement features for future 3GPP standards –Improve code quality, documentation, usability –Improve testing/stability  Make joint contributions to other open source organizations (OpNFV, OSM, ONOS, ODL, etc) + 3GPP/ETSI OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

6 Alliance Projects Overview Contributors/ Testers SponsorsPriority Project 1A: Basic Functionality (eNB) Orange, IITH, Open Cells, Tip(Alex), TNO, Ercom, B- COM Alliance, EURECOMHigh (fix missing features) Project 1B: Basic Functionality (UE) TCL, IITH, Syrtem, TNO, Robert(TU Dortmund(?)), TCL, Alliance, EURECOM Project 1C: Basic Functionality (RRH) Alliance, EURECOM Project 2. TestTCL, IITH, Syrtem, UTH(?), iMINDS(?), INRIA(?), WINLAB(?), Univ of Utah(?),BUPT, Canonical(?) Alliance, EURECOM Project 3. QualityTCLAlliance, EURECOM OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G * ? Means the input needs to be checked with partner

7 Alliance Projects Overview Contributors/ Testers SponsorsPriority Project 4. Enhanced RRHUTH(test), U. of Pisa(Niccola), U of Kent, IT Aveiro Project 5. SDN Controller/MECIITH, BUPT, LIP6(?N), B-Com(?), U of Ediburgh(N?), Unibe(N?), Univ of Pisa(?), Project 6. LTE/WiFi Aggregation, LTE-LAA BUPT, IITH, TIP, Telecom Bretagne(R?), Ercom(?), iMinds(?) Project 7. Mobility Support Project 8. New Waveforms (UFMC, NB-IoT, FBMC, FC- OFDM) U. of Pisa, EURECOM, B-COM, Ercom, Orange Project 9. Cloud RAN and APIsOrange, IITH, U of Pisa OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

8 Alliance Projects Overview ContributorsSponsorsPriority Project 10. Massive MIMOOrange, EURECOM Project 11. Extend oaisim -> lte-softmodem Project 12. Proximity Services Fraunhofer Project 13. Contribution to other projects (OpNFV, OSM, 3GPP, ETSI, etc) Orange, Canonical(?) OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G Legend: ? Needs to check ?T Needs to check if willing to be tester N? Navid to check with partner R? Raymond to check with partner T Willing to be tester

9 Technical Governance Overview  Organizational Chart –Roles –Organizational oversight –Technical oversight  Who decides strategy?  Who decides roadmap?  Who executes the project?  Project Roles –Project Leader –Project Management Committee (PMC) –Developer  Example of how projects are created, executed and finished OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

10 Org Chart OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

11 Organizational responsibilities (High level)  Who decides the strategy and validate the roadmaps, and Marketing actions? –Board  Who proposes the Marketing plan/actions –Marketing Committee  Who proposes the roadmap? –Technical Committee (TC) –TC aggregates all the “project” roadmaps to present to the board OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

12 Organizational responsibilities (High level)  Who is managing and integrating the contributions? –Technical Committee  Who executes the roadmap? –Projects on voluntary basis –Every project has its own roadmap OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

13 Organizational Chart (2)  The Board of directors : –1 President, 1 general secretary, 1 treasurer, –+ 2 from Founding (Eurecom), –+ 1 per strategic member  2 meetings per year  Takes care of the legal and financial organization  Defines the strategy, votes on the Technical Committee and Marketing Committee decisions OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

14 Organizational Chart (2)  Marketing Committee –1 Chairman –1 Delegate per strategic member  Technical Committee –1 Chairman –1 Technical Manager –Delegates from any member (strategic, associate, individual) in charge of leading the Strategic Areas –Delegates are approved by the Board of directors –TC is also in charge of leading the integration process OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

15 Technical Committee (TC) and Projects  OAI Projects are proposed by the community and the alliance members  Projects are connected to strategic areas and proposed to the Board for validation by the Technical Committee  Each project can define its Project Management Committee that reports to the TC. OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

16 Project Structure (1/2)  What is an Alliance Project? –A project to develop a new feature/extend OAI towards future 3GPP release –At the end or during interim stages of project, its outcome must be merged to “develop/master” branch of main openairinerface5g/openairCN repository –It can be also pure documentation based to conduct feasibility studies –It can also prepare OAI stack towards flexible implementation of 3GPP study/work items –It must have clear outline of goals/deliverables/roadmap for at least one year –It must be sponsored by at least one strategic/associate member.  The sponsor guarantees minimum set of human resources for proper execution of the project –Ideally it should be backed by one industrial + one non-profit organization for good mix of academia + industrial interests  Project Management Structure –Project Management Committee (at least a Project leader) –Committers OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

17 Project Structure Recommendations (2/2)  Project Management Structure –Project leader  Is nominated by Project Management Committee (PMC) (every year by voting)  Responsible for developing roadmap (1 year) with TPC  Ensure quality, documentation, testing of project meets general OSA guidelines –Project Management Committee (PMC)  Comprises of representatives of alliance members (strategic + associate)  Responsible for developing roadmap with Project leader, TPC  Reports to TPC through project leader (every quarter)  Responsible for meeting project quality in terms of (coding guidelines, documentation, workflow, etc) –Developers  Community members who have write access to project repository and do the actual development –Users  Community members who simply “use” the project code  All the project communication must happen publicly, except in some exceptional circumstances OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

18 Example Project Structure  Project location (must include all the branches, gitlab issues, etc): –  Project Wiki (must include roadmap, mailing list, spec, documentation, etc): – OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

19 Project Lifecycle OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

20 Conclusion  Goals for end of today: –List contributors/sponsors for alliance projects OAI - Open-Source Solutions for 5G

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