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Presentation on theme: "GGGE6533 LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES ASSIGNMENT 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION  In learning a language, we follow the advice that practice makes perfect, and patience is a helpful value.  In our Malaysian schools English is very important language  10 successful learners from Linton University College  A set of questionnaire will be given to identify the language learning strategies that they are using.

3 Table below shows the most used language learning strategies by the 10 successful learners Most used Language learning strategies Number of students (/10) Percentage (%) Attend out of class event where the new language is spoken 990 Listen to people who are having conversation in English880 Listen to talk shows on the radio, watch to TV shows10100 Listening for key words770 Practice saying a new expression to myself880 Regularly seek out opportunities to speak with native speakers 660 Encourage others to correct errors in my speaking990 Read as much as possible in the target language.10100 Use dictionary to find meaning of the words that I don’t understand 880 Try write out different types of text in English770

4 Pie chart below shows the most used language learning strategies by the 10 successful learners in percentage (%)

5 Table below shows the less or not used language learning strategies by the 10 successful learners Less/ not used Language learning strategies Number of students Percentag e (%) Try to translate what I hear by translating word by word00 Ask native speakers about unfamiliar sound that I hear440 Imitate the way the native speakers talk550 Break the word into the parts that I can identify220 Use words from my own language, but say it in the way that sounds like words in the target language 110 Use English only in the classroom00 Translate the word in to own language to guess the meaning110 Plan out what to write in my own language first220 Translate in my heard while I’m reading the text330 Put my own language out of mind and think only in English as much as possible 220

6 Pie chart below shows the less or not used language learning strategies by the 10 successful learners in percentage (%)

7 Most effective LLS strategies  Listen to English songs / watching English TV programmes.  Communicate in English with friends.  Read English reading materials as much as possible  Attend out of class event where the new language is spoken

8 Ineffective LLS strategies  Try to translate what they hear by translating word by word  Use English only in the classroom  Use words from their own language, but say it in the way that sounds like words in the target language  Translate the word in to their own language to guess the meaning

9 Conclusion  Teachers must make sure their students are aware of the LLs  Teachers must teach the students effective LLS  Students should be informed of the value and usefulness of strategies in language learning.  ESL learners, particularly less capable ESL learners, should be given intensive and direct strategy training for a long period.


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