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The Cold War WHII.13a-d. Beginning of the Cold War (1945- 1948)  The Yalta Conference and the Soviet control of Eastern Europe  Rivalry between the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War WHII.13a-d. Beginning of the Cold War (1945- 1948)  The Yalta Conference and the Soviet control of Eastern Europe  Rivalry between the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War WHII.13a-d

2 Beginning of the Cold War (1945- 1948)  The Yalta Conference and the Soviet control of Eastern Europe  Rivalry between the United States and the U.S.S.R.  Democracy and capitalism (the free enterprise system) vs. dictatorship and communism  President Truman and the policy of containment  Eastern Europe: Soviet satellite nations, the Iron Curtain

3 Yalta Conference: Big Three

4 Characteristics of the Cold War (1948- 1989)  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) vs. Warsaw Pact  Korean War  Vietnam War  Berlin and significance of Berlin Wall  Cuban Missile Crisis  Nuclear weapons and the theory of deterrence

5 Collapse of communism  Soviet economic collapse  Nationalism in Warsaw Pact countries  Tearing down the Berlin Wall  Breakup of the Soviet Union  Expansion of NATO


7 Cold War and Asia WHII.13c,d

8 Terms to Know  Containment  A policy for preventing the expansion of communism  Coined by President Harry Truman  Used by President JFK, LBJ, and Nixon  Reason for United States wars in Korea and Vietnam  Reason for United States’ conflict with Cuba

9 China  Division in China into two nations at the end of the Chinese civil war  Nationalist China (Taiwan) = led by Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi)  Communist China (mainland) = led by Mao Tse- tung (Mao Zedong)  Continuing conflict between the two Chinas today  Communist China’s participation in Korean War

10 Term to Know  Domino Theory  The idea that if one country falls to communism, then the surrounding nations will follow  Asian Dominos  China  Korea  Vietnam  Laos  Cambodia  ?????

11 Vietnam  Role of French Imperialism  Leadership of Ho Chi Minh  Vietnam as a divided nation  Influence of policy of containment  The United States and the Vietnam War  United States joins the Civil War (on the South Vietnam side)  United States exits in 1973; Civil War continues  Vietnam as a reunited communist country today

12 Major Leaders of the Cold War WHII.13d

13 Indira Gandhi  Closer relationship between India and the Soviet Union during the Cold War  Developed India’s nuclear program

14 Margaret Thatcher  British Prime Minister (1 st and only woman)  Free trade and less government regulation of business  Close relationship with the United States and U.S. foreign policy  Assertion of United Kingdom’s military power

15 Mikhail Gorbachev  Last President of Soviet Union  Instituted political reforms  Glasnost  Perestroika  Began the fall of the Berlin Wall

16 Deng Xiaoping  Reformed Communist China’s economy to a market economy leading to rapid economic growth  Continued communist control of government

17 Indian Independence WHII.14a

18 Evolution of Independence  British rule of India  Indian National Congress  Leadership of Mohandas Gandhi  Civil Disobedience  Passive Resistance  1947: India partitioned along Hindu-Muslim lines  Pakistan  India

19 Republic of India  World’s largest democratic nation (1.3 billion)  Federal system (like the United States)  More power to the states  Head of the country is the prime minster

20 India Democracy  Jawaharlal Nehru  A close associate of Gandhi  Supported industrialization  1950 Constitution sought to prohibit caste system  Ethnic and religious differences cause problems  Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan)  Muslim  Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)  Muslim  Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)  Tamil  New economic development has helped ease financial problems

21 African Independence Movements WHII.14b

22 Characteristics of Independence Movements  Right to self-determination (U.N. Charter)  Peaceful and violent revolutions  Pride in African culture and heritage  Resentment of imperial rule and economic exploitation  Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Portugal lost colonies  Superpowers (US and USSR) try to influence new countries

23 Examples  West Africa: Peaceful transition  Algeria (N. Africa): War of Independence from France  Kenya (E. Africa): Violent struggle under leadership of Jomo Kenyatta against British  South Africa: Black South Africans’ struggle against apartheid (segregation) led by Nelson Mandela (first black president of Republic of South Africa)


25 Middle East Independence WHII.14c

26 Background: Mandates  Established by the League of Nations (after which war?)  Granted independence (after which war?)  Resulted in Middle East conflict created by religious differences

27 *Golda Meir  Prime Minister of Israel  After initial setback, led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War  Sought support of United States

28 Golda Meir  Born in Ukraine (Russian Empire)  Immigrated to Milwaukee, WI in 1905  Went to Denver, CO to live with married sister  Joined a kibbutz in Mandate Palestine  Participated in Evian Conference (refugees)  Helped form the State of Israel during 1948  Elected Prime Minister in 1969  First and only woman to do so  Peace deal with Egypt

29 *Gamal Abdel Nasser جمال عبد الناصر  President of Egypt  Nationalized Suez Canal  Established relationship with Soviet Union  Built Aswan High Dam

30 جمال عبد الناصر Nasser  Born in Alexandria  Protested as a teen against British Colonialism  Military career  1948 Arab-Israeli War  Formation of Free Officers  Revolution of 1952 (Egyptian independence)  Coup d'état  Nationalization of Suez Canal  Pan-Arabism

31 Developed vs. Developing World WHII.16a-d

32 *Ethnic and Religious Conflicts  Middle East  Conflict between Israel and Palestine over land and water rights  Religious conflict (Jewish vs. Muslim/Christian)  Ethnic (Jewish vs. Arab)  Northern Ireland  Conflict between Catholic and Protestants  Irish Republican Army (militant group fighting British rule)  Balkans  Ethnic and religious conflicts in former Yugoslavia  Between Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians

33  Horn of Africa  Religious conflict between Christians and Muslims  Has led to growth in terrorist organizations  South Asia  Conflict between India and Pakistan  Mainly religious (Muslim vs. Hindu)  Threat of nuclear war

34 *Migration of Refugees  Refugee: someone forced to flee their homes due to conflict  Guest Workers: go to Europe and Middle East for jobs (usually from Southeast Asia) and are expected to return home (some do not)

35 *Impact of New Technology  Widespread but unequal access to computers and instantaneous communications (internet)  Genetic engineering and bioethics

36 *Developed vs. Developing Nations  Geographic Location  Most developed nations are in North America, Europe, and Japan  Most developing nations are in South America, Africa, and Asia  Economic conditions  Developed nations have high Gross National Product  Developing nations have low GNP  Social Conditions  Developed nations have high literacy and access to health care  Developing nations have low literacy and access to health care

37  Population size and rate of growth  Developed nations have low population growth  Developing have high population growth  Environmental Challenges  Pollution  Loss of habitat  Global Climate change  Social Challenges  Poverty  Poor health  Illiteracy  Famine  migration

38 *Economic Interdependence  Multinational Corporations: a company that has factories or assets in at least one other country besides the home country  Regional integration  European Union (EU) – unifying Europe  common currency  Common defense  common social programs  Trade Agreements  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)  no tariffs between USA, Mexico, Canada  World Trade Organization (WTO)  International Organizations  United Nations (UN)  International Monetary Fund (IMF)  This is like the world bank

39 *Terrorism  Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate and coerce for political reasons  Munich Olympics of 1972  Terrorist Attacks on USA (9/11/2001)  Car bombing  Suicide bombing  Airline hijackers  Government Responses  Surveillance (listen to citizens conversations)  Review of privacy rights  Security at ports and airports  Identification badges and photos

40  Why would someone commit act of terrorism?  To protest a certain situation and coerce the victim to meet their demands  Independence  Religious reasons  Ethnic reasons  What have been the effects of terrorism on individuals  A loss of personal liberties for collective safety  A feeling of fear and paranoia  Targeting of certain groups (racism)

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