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Welcome to Year 3 2014/15 Parents’ Information Evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 2014/15 Parents’ Information Evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 2014/15 Parents’ Information Evening

2 Mrs Wilkinson Mrs King Mrs Bradshaw Mrs Carty Miss Stubbs Mr Thomas The Staff

3 General Information Time to arrive Breakfast bar What if we’re late? School dinners Toast Milk Break time Time to go home Uniform and PE kit Jewellery Communication books Facebook/Twitter/website Targets and expectations

4 Our Curriculum Literacy Numeracy Spelling/phonics Guided reading Science Topic ICT/Computing RE PE PSHE/Circle Time/Be Time Golden Time Assemblies

5 Reading Guided reading Individual reading Home reading

6 Writing Big write Literacy lessons Handwriting

7 Spelling Groupings Expectations Spelling tests

8 Maths Groupings Big Maths The strands of maths Year 3 expectations

9 Science Plants Forces and magnets Humans Light Rocks Science week

10 PE Kit Games Dance Gymnastics Athletics

11 Our Topics ( and how we plan) Books and Authors In the Style of… (entertainment Kingdoms

12 Homework Maths SPAG and handwriting Talk homework Spelling Reading

13 Finally We are here to help. Please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any questions. Thank you

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