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Last Days, Einsatzgruppen and Backing Hitler Discussion Goal: Participate during discussion using Socratic Seminar guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "Last Days, Einsatzgruppen and Backing Hitler Discussion Goal: Participate during discussion using Socratic Seminar guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Last Days, Einsatzgruppen and Backing Hitler Discussion Goal: Participate during discussion using Socratic Seminar guidelines

2 ws_vs_naz.html#incart_2box_nj-homepage-featured

3 @mgreg065@mgreg065 I graduated HS in early 90s. Based on my experience of watching all the different types over the last 25 years, you and your jock friends will be alcoholics with broken families, police records and trouble finding good jobs. While this person who was brave and intelligent enough to write a blog post and contact the school administration will have a rewarding career and good strong family bonds in a community where she is highly valued. @NJgirl@NJgirl I'm gonna have to disagree with one thing......what you do on your own free time that has nothing to do with the school or its athletic programs does in no way "represent the school". This is political correctness run amuck. Why is the school involved - it's none of anybody's business, except the parents of these kids, and the police (if there's an investigation into the underage drinking). I couldn't believe my ears when I turned on the radio this morning and this was being discussed on NJ101.5, as if it's a public safety issue. Kids have been underage drinking since the dawn of man, and many of you here have done the same thing, in your parents' basements. No issue there, move on.

4 Discussion Topics Google FormBacking Hitler Einsatzgruppen Last Days Conspiracy Clip Structure your notes using the headings above Take notes on information for the quiz next class Scenarios, intentional argument

5 Google Form

6 Backing Hitler Reading 1.Under a million still left in camps 2.March 1943 Himmler orders cover-up 3.SS and the Police to assume control of the camps and move inmates to the next. Repeat process. 4.If enemy forces near complete evacuate. If surprise attack kill all prisoners and burn the bodies. 5.Do not allow prisoners to be taken into custody by the enemy. 6.January 1945 511, 000 males and 202, 000 females in concentration camps 7.Auschwitz evacuated January 1945 8.January 17, 1945 last roll call at Auschwitz 9.Your thoughts on the death marches 10.Intentionalist or cumulative?

7 Gauge What you are doing score 0-3 3-If you feel you are participating verbally by making connections to the readings and/or what other people are saying 2-I participated at least once but am spending the time zoning at times 1-I am not participating but answering the questions and responding in my head 0-I am doing not just nothing but absolutely nothing Develop a strategy to improve by setting a goal now

8 What is your goal?

9 Wehrmacht (The German Army) 1.Fighting WWII 2.Argued not killing undesireables Nazi SS 1.Fighting the race war against undesireables 2.Attached to the Wehrmacht 1.Both Supplied the federal German government 2.Both possibly killed undesireables 1.Security Missions addressed the treatment of undesireables 2.All units report to the Wehrmacht 3.Attack and eliminate anyone connected with Bolshevism

10 Last Days 1.Sheet with questions 2.Why stop the killing? 3.How did Hungary change? 4.What shows evidence to support the intentionalist or cumulative argument? 5.Role of WWII (next slide)

11 September 1939 Germany invades Poland Invades Russia June 1941 Wansee Conference January 1942 May 1945 Germany surrenders 1944 start evacuating the camps

12 WWII Questions 1.Scenario: You are Hitler and by the Fall of 1944 you estimate that this war is not winnable. What do you do? Consider: A.Concentration camps are throughout Europe. B.Russia’s Red Army is advancing quickly into your territory. C.Would you: Release your prisoners in the camps? Kill the prisoners in the camps? Destroy the evidence? What kind of evidence would you destroy?

13 Gauge your Understanding 0-3 3-I understand the material and discussion so far 2-I am lost about a few things discussed 1-I see no connection between what we are talking about and what we were asked to do 0-I am just lost

14 What is the role of a soldier? Generate a list 1. 2. 3. 4.

15 Conspiracy Conversation about laws to what we did in class Casual nature of the film The intentionalist side

16 Distribute Responsibility Hitler German People SS Leaders Reinhard Hydrich Companies that made items for the genocide The Allies for not helping sooner Nazi Party

17 Discussion Topics Main Points Closure: Which topic helped you better understand the Holocaust and why? Google FormBacking Hitler Einsatzgruppen Last Days Conspiracy Clip

18 Upcoming Quiz Romani, Jewish, A-Social, Hereditary ill and homosexual timelines Scenarios Laws My summary

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