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Unit 5.  Conflict of slavery As US added states and territories, issue of slave or free state threatened to tear country apart.

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1 Unit 5



4  Conflict of slavery As US added states and territories, issue of slave or free state threatened to tear country apart.

5  People leading Abolition Movement Abolition movement grew in north

6  People leading the Abolition Movement William Lloyd Garrison  Published The Liberator – an anti-slavery newspaper  Led many New England religious leaders to see slavery as a violation of Christian principles and favor abolition

7  People leading the Abolition Movement Frederick Douglass  Editor of abolitionist newspaper – The North Star  Named that to remind people about the Underground Railroad

8  People leading the Abolition Movement Harriet Tubman  Nicknamed “Black Moses”  Was former slave & escaped; became conductor on Underground RR  Helped liberate (free) more than 300 slaves

9  People leading the Abolition Movement Harriet Beecher Stowe  Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Novel portraying slavery at its worst  Strengthened abolition movement in the North & scared & frightened the Southerners

10  Slave Revolts Nat Turner  Led slave revolt in Virginia in 1831 (Southampton, VA)  Turner and 5 other slaves killed their master and family in hopes of starting a large slave rebellion – didn’t happen, Nat was later captured and hanged  Revolts spread panic & fear across South (could happen anywhere)  Also forced southerners who favored abolition into silence

11  Slave Revolts Gabriel Prosser  Also led a slave revolt in Virginia (Henrico County – Richmond) during summer of 1800  He and 15 other slave rebels were later executed (hanged)

12  All people above made South FEARFUL of growth of Northern abolition movement

13  As new states added to the USA → Slave state or Free state???  Compromises created in Congress to maintain balance between slave states and free states

14  Missouri Compromise Two places ready to become states (Missouri and Maine) 1820 – Congress passed Missouri Compromise  Missouri (MO) = slave state  Maine (ME) = free state Made east-west line through Louisiana Purchase  Slavery PROHIBITED ABOVE this line  Slavery only allowed BELOW the line  Missouri only slave state exception b/c located above this line


16  Compromise of 1850 Gold rush in 1848-49 in California and are ready to become a state PROBLEM → If California = free state – balance uneven (would favor free states) & Missouri Compromise line would cut state in half Compromise of 1850 said:  California would be free state  New Southwest territories (Utah & New Mexico) acquired from Mexico would be decided by VOTE by the people  Fugitive Slave Act – law added as part of compromise to make Southerners happy

17  Fugitive Slave Act Act required people in FREE STATES to help capture and return escaped slaves  The South liked this act – it returned their escaped slaves  This act enraged Northerners & many Northern slates passed personal liberty laws to forbid the imprisonment of runaway slaves


19  Kansas-Nebraska Act This nullified (VOIDED) the Missouri Compromise BOTH Kansas & Nebraska territories above east- west line drawn in Missouri Compromise (should be no slavery but…) Act said → Issue of slavery in Kansas & Nebraska Territories would be decided by popular sovereignty


21  Outcome of Kansas- Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas  Settlers move into Kansas Territory → race to see whether settlers from free or slave states become majority  Bloody violence erupted in territory between Pro-slavery & Anti-slavery settlers Rise of Republican Party  Republican Party developed & party stood for no slavery in any new territories


23  Suffrage for Women Occurred same time as abolition movement Women want equal rights & voting rights Women perceived as 2 nd class citizens The issue of slavery is more on people’s minds and hearts than women’s suffrage

24  Seneca Falls Convention 1848 – Elizabeth Cady Stanton & other women organized the Seneca Falls Convention (in NY) Wrote “Declaration of Rights and Sentiments”  Proposed & devote themselves to women gaining equality and the right to vote

25  Susan B. Anthony Spent most of life trying to convince people of men & women’s equality Before and after she was nation’s foremost crusader for women’s rights

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