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Civics – 28 Sept 2015 EQ: Why does citizenship come with rights, duties, and responsibilities? LO: WWBAT assess the rights, duties, & responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Civics – 28 Sept 2015 EQ: Why does citizenship come with rights, duties, and responsibilities? LO: WWBAT assess the rights, duties, & responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civics – 28 Sept 2015 EQ: Why does citizenship come with rights, duties, and responsibilities? LO: WWBAT assess the rights, duties, & responsibilities of citizens Do Now: Why is it important to hold politicians accountable for their actions?

2 1 Duties of citizens: – Obeying laws – Defending the nation – Serving as jury/witness – Paying taxes – Going to school

3 2 Rights of citizens – Vote/hold elected office – Free speech – Freedom of to have no religion or have a religion – Fair trial

4 3 Common good – to help ensure the well being of our society Candidate – person running for office Influencing government – work to make the gov’t more responsive to the needs of the community.

5 Exit Ticket Why should citizens take their duties, rights, & responsibilities seriously?

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