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Medical Math in Health/Science Care Tina Marie Hunt, RN, BSN

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1 Medical Math in Health/Science Care Tina Marie Hunt, RN, BSN
Roman Numerals Medical Math in Health/Science Care Tina Marie Hunt, RN, BSN

2 Two Types of numbers Arabic numbers Roman Numbers
The numbers we normally use 1,2,3,4,,,,,,,, Roman Numbers Invented by the romans and still used today I, V, X, L, C, D, M

3 Hx of Roman numerals Romans strictly represented units as separate items in their numbers. the numerals represented numbers as they were depicted on an abacus - a calculating machine using pebbles or beads which were arranged from right to left in columns of units, tens, hundreds, thousands etc.

4 Continued…… That means that 99 could be represented as XCIX but never as IC. XC = 10 subtracted from 100 = 90 IX = 1 subtracted from 10 = 9 = 99 999 cannot be IM IM is not legal 999 = CMXCIX CM = 100 from 1000=900, XC = 10 subtracted from 100 = 90 and IX = 1 subtracted from 10 = 9 Therefore = 999

5 Roman Numerals You must Learn
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L =50 C =100 D = 500 M = 1000

6 Roman Numeral Rules You can’t add more than 3 of the same letters at one time. Ex: 4 is IV not IIII use the biggest numeral possible at each stage Ex: 15 XV not VVV or XIIIII. A smaller value letter to the left of a larger value one is subtracted Ex: 34 is XXXIV not XXXIIII

7 Three Subtraction Rules
Only I, X. and C can be subtracted Only one smaller number can be placed to the left Ex: 9 = IX The subtracted number must be no less than a tenth of the value of the number it is subtracted from. I can only be subtracted from V & X X can only be subtracted from L & C C can only be subtracted from D & M

8 Three Subtraction Rules
These rules only became official in the Middle Ages. Even today, not everybody follows them. Made to ensure compliance, set standards and provide guidance. Made to be broken, some common examples of broken rules are on clocks, monuments and tombs.

9 Forming Numerals Numbers are formed by stringing the letters together to add up to the number required. Examples II = (1+1=2) XXX = ( = 30) XII = (10+1+1= 12) CXXIII = ( =123)

10 Examples of the official rules for subtracting letters:
Subtract only powers of ten, such as I, X, or C. Writing VL for 45 is not allowed: write XLV instead. Subtract only a single letter from a single numeral. Write VIII for 8, not IIX; 19 is XIX, not IXX. Don't subtract a letter from another letter more than ten times greater. This means that you can only subtract I from V or X, and X from L or C, so MIM is illegal.

11 Time to test your knowledge Write the Roman Numeral
1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

12 Write the Roman Numeral
19 724 2008 29 3916 200 1549 33 64 113


14 Homework Create 10 roman numerals.
Each number must contain a minimum of 2 Roman numerals Remember to follow your rules You need to understand this, so please take it serious. Be able to explain your numbers to me. This counts as a grade. Good Luck !

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