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VOYAGERS Keys to Success MottoAssistance OrganizationNotetaking ScheduleTest-taking Goal SettingProjects Homework TipsFun.

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Presentation on theme: "VOYAGERS Keys to Success MottoAssistance OrganizationNotetaking ScheduleTest-taking Goal SettingProjects Homework TipsFun."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOYAGERS Keys to Success MottoAssistance OrganizationNotetaking ScheduleTest-taking Goal SettingProjects Homework TipsFun

2 Keys to Success Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars! Homepage

3 Get organized ! Make time for schoolwork – and for fun! Set up a homework area Make sure it’s quiet and has good lighting. Keep it supplied with everything you need. Color-code your notebooks and textbooks Use a different color binder and book cover for each subject. Make sections in each for homework, notes and handouts. Use your assignment book Keep a record of all assignments and assessment grades. Highlight blocks when you’ve completed the assignments for that day. continue

4 Learn your daily schedule as soon as possible. Be aware of after-school activities to manage your time wisely. Keep your locker neat. You will be able to find what you need quickly. Place all books that are needed for that night’s homework on the upper shelf. It makes packing up at the end of the day less hectic. Get things ready the night before. It saves time and allows you to have a clear idea what you have accomplished, and what you may need assistance with. Homepage

5 DAY IN 6-DAY CYCLE 1/A2/B3/A4/B5/A6/B 8:05 – 8:12Homeroom 8:15 – 8:45Resource/ Activity Resource/ Activity Resource/ Activity Resource/ Activity Resource/ Activity Resource/ Activity 8:48 – 9:321Arts62 7 9:35 – 10:192Core Block 71Core Block 6 10:22 – 11:06Arts1 672 11:09 – 11:36ArtsLunchArtsLunch6 11:36 – 12:06Arts2 7Lunch1 12:09 – 12:36Lunch2 761 12:39 – 1:23555555 1:26 – 2:13671Arts2 2:16 – 3:00762Arts1 Homepage

6 Set goals! Goals reflect what is important to you. Short-term goals help you stay on track. They may include: Doing well on a quiz Getting homework done on time Joining a school club or sport Long- term goals give you something to work toward. These may be reached after you have been successful achieving your short term goals. For example, if making the HONOR ROLL is your long-term goal, you may need to set a short-term goal of studying more. Be realistic when you set goals. Set goals that are challenging. Homepage

7 Make homework part of your daily routine. Choose a homework time that’s best for you. If possible, do homework the same time every day. On nights when you don’t have homework, read a book from your booklist, or the newspaper for Current Events. Avoid distractions. Inform family members and friends when your homework time is. Ask them not to disturb you. If you get a phone call (or IM), say you’ll call back later. Take short breaks if you need to. Get up and stretch or have a healthy snack. Homepage

8 Ask for help if you need it. If you are feeling stressed about schoolwork, let someone know. There are many people on the team who want to help you do well. A teacher or a counselor can help you improve your study skills. R/A period or after-school clinic are excellent times to seek individual assistance Parents can offer support. Ask them to quiz you on test materials or check your homework. Friends and classmates can be good study partners. Talking with them can be a good tension release. Homepage

9 Take good notes in class. Listen carefully. Write down key points (names, dates, important terms). To save time, use symbols and abbreviations. (You may devise your own system that is easy for you to remember.) Copy all notes from a classmate or from the board. Get notes from a classmate if you miss a class. If you are struggling during the class, get a NOTE BUDDY whose notes you can borrow to fill in those areas in your own that are missing. Review your notes nightly. Homepage

10 Tips for taking tests Be prepared – cramming never pays off. Read over your notes. Highlight or underline important points. Go over quizzes or homework from the unit. Reread chapter summaries. Take notes and make an outline. Put stars next to things you need to review. Join or start a study group. Share notes and quiz each other on test information. Testing yourself is a good way to find out how much you know – and what you need to spend more time on. continued

11 Keep your cool. Read the directions carefully before you begin. Ask your teacher if you don’t understand them. Take slow deep breaths. Say to yourself, “I can do this.” Concentrate on your own work. Don’t worry if others finish before you. Read over your answers carefully before you hand in your test. Check all work ! General Get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. Get to class on time. Bring all necessary materials (pens, pencils, erasers, etc.) Homepage

12 Break large projects into smaller ones. Read your assignment carefully. Make a list of the things you need to do to complete it. Decide what comes first. Number the items in the order they need to be done. Set a deadline for completing each task. Be sure you give yourself enough time to finish before the final due date. Homepage

13 School shouldn’t be all work – have fun too! You are on your way to a successful school year! The VOYAGERS way! Homepage

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