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Law Enforcement & Addressing Criminal Behavior 6.03- Identify the various procedures in the enactment, implementation, and enforcement of law. 6.07- Compare.

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Presentation on theme: "Law Enforcement & Addressing Criminal Behavior 6.03- Identify the various procedures in the enactment, implementation, and enforcement of law. 6.07- Compare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law Enforcement & Addressing Criminal Behavior 6.03- Identify the various procedures in the enactment, implementation, and enforcement of law. 6.07- Compare responsibilities, jurisdictions, and methods of law enforcement agencies. 6.08- Evaluate methods used by society to address criminal and anti-social behaviors.

2 A. Local Law Enforcement 1.City A.Chief of Police: head of the Department B.City Police officers C.Maintains order w/in the city limits 2.County A.Sheriff: head of the department B.Deputies C.Maintain order outside of the city jurisdiction and maintains county jail **LOCAL law enforcement is the most direct!!

3 B. State Law Enforcement 1.State Troopers a.enforce traffic laws on interstate expressways & state highways b.protect the governor c.oversee security of state capital d.train officers for small police forces (police academy) 2.STATE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION- State’s version of the FBI a.investigate state crimes & report to governor or states attorney general b.Provide support to local agencies (laboratory and record services). 3.National Guard: Militia under state authority created by Military Act of 1903 a.Part of military reserve force. b.May be called into federal service

4 C. Federal Law Enforcement 1.Department of Justice is part of the Executive Branch and is run by the Attorney General. 2.Enforce Federal Law 3.Federal Bureau of Investigation: the federal governments police force (main investigation branch of the DOJ). a.Investigate over 200 categories of crimes. b.Has broadest authority to investigate crimes 4.Secret Service: part of Department of Homeland Security (formerly part of Department of Treasury) a.Primary jurisdiction over counterfeiting cases b.Protects the President, Vice president, and other high ranking officials, candidates for president and foreign leaders.

5 D. Types of Crimes 1.Felony: large crime (murder, robbery, kidnapping) 2.Misdemeanor: small crimes 3.Larceny = the unlawful taking and removal of another person's property (can be a felony or misdemeanor) 4.“victimless crime” = illegal drug use (it only hurts yourself)

6 E. Addressing Criminal Behavior 1.The Criminal Justice system a.State and Federal courts, judges, lawyers, police and prisons have the responsibility of enforcing criminal law. b.A separate juvenile system handles juvenile case 2.Crimes are defined in each states written penal code. 3.The Penal code also spells out the punishments that go with each crime. 4.Purpose/justification of criminal penalties: a.Retribution: Provides punishment so that a criminal pays for an offense b.Help protect society by confining dangerous lawbreakers c.Deterrence: Serve as deterrents (warnings) to keep others from committing crimes d.Rehabilitation: Help prepare lawbreakers to reenter society.

7 F. Types of Punishments 1.Incarceration: locking someone up in jail (for shorter detention for minor offenses) or prison (for longer detention for major offenses). 2.Monetary Compensation: payment of money from loss due to crime or the return of property (restitution) 3.Probation: allow prisoner to return to the community if follow rules of probation (watched by a probation officer) 4.House Arrest: confined to their home 5.Suspension of privileges: a privilege is taken away for a period of time (ex: drivers license) 6.Capital Punishment- death penalty, kept on “death row”

8 G. Other Types of Punishment 1.Three-strikes law: mandates long-term incarceration for those convicted of a felony on 3 or more occasions = assumed to be a chronic criminal a.Recidivism: repeat crime offenders 2.Parole: supervised release of a prisoner before his/her sentence is finished (can be returned if violate parole) 3.Detention: allows state to hold people (punishment or investigation) a.Juvenile Detention- holds minors, usually kept due to neglect b.Sometimes Juveniles sent to Boot Camp- live and work under harsh discipline

9 H. Juvenile Delinquents 1.CAN be tried as adults 2.ARE younger than the state mandated “adult” age 3.ARE children who have often been abused or neglected 4.ARE individuals who have broken the law

10 Law Enforcement Agencies (Goal 6.07) AgenciesJurisdictionPowers Within city limits Exceptions are “hot pursuit” and “interlocal agreements” -State statutes ‐ Municipal Codes ‐ Interlocal agreements Within county limits, but outside of city limits. Several exceptions apply that might be in a specific case. “interlocal agreement” unincorporated areas (areas without police department) ‐ State statutes ‐ County ordinances ‐ Interlocal agreements Municipal (city) police department County Law Enforcement (Sheriff & deputies)

11 Law Enforcement Agencies (Goal 6.07) AgenciesJurisdictionPowers over all state routes, US highways, interstate highways, freeways, and all public roads that are not within city limits ‐Federal law ‐State statutes Drug Investigations Arson/Fire Investigations Election Law Violations Gambling Investigations Thefts/Damage to State Property Environmental Crimes Computer crime investigations that involve crimes against children Any other investigations—a local government requests SBI assistance -Federal law -State statute (which in this case actually defines the agency’s mission) State Highway Patrol/ State Trooper State Bureau of Investigation (SBI)

12 Law Enforcement Agencies (Goal 6.07) AgenciesJurisdictionPowers Prevention and investigation of counterfeiting of U.S. currency and U.S. treasury bonds notes Protecting the President, other government officials and family members Financial fraud crimes and identity theft -Federal law The FBI has original jurisdiction in many federal matters including: espionage (spying) sabotage kidnapping extortion bank robbery interstate transportation of stolen property civil‐rights matters interstate gambling violations fraud against the government -Federal law US Secret Service Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

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