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carrot potatoeggplant Healthy (健康的) Unhealthy (不健康的)

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3 carrot potatoeggplant

4 Healthy (健康的) Unhealthy (不健康的)

5 breakfast lunch dinner -What do you like for breakfast/lunch /dinner? I like … and …for lunch. 7:00-8:00 11:00-13:00 18:00-19:00 -I like … and …for breakfast. I like … and …for dinner.

6 What does Jim / Ann like for breakfast? For breakfast, Jim likes bananas and eggs. dinnerlunchbreakfast Jim Ann healthy food

7 He is a runner run ---running He is a running star. 跑步明星 breakfast lunch dinner What does Liu Xiang like for breakfast/ … ? He likes … for breakfast/ …

8 Please write it down. Liu Xiang is a running star. He eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, he likes … breakfast lunch dinner

9 Liu Xiang is a running star. He eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, he likes apples, bananas and eggs. For lunch, he likes hamburgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, he has chicken, tomatoes, ice cream and French fries. breakfast lunch dinner

10 finish 3b For lunch, he likes hamburgers, carrots and oranges. And for dinner, he likes chicken, salad and broccoli.

11 finish 3a

12 1.What does Sandra like for breakfast? Sandra likes eggs bananas and apples for breakfast. 2.What does Sandra like for lunch? Sandra likes hamburgers salad and pears for lunch. Sandra likes chicken tomatoes and French fries for dinner. 3.What does Sandra like for dinner? 4.What about her dessert? She likes ice cream for dinner.

13 1. Sandra is a running star. 2. Sandra likes healthy food. 3. Sandra only eats some. 4. Sandra have 3 meals 餐 a day. 5.She doesn’t like ice cream. Tell T or F. T T F T F

14 Groupwork: Next Sunday you are going on a picnic with a group of friends. Please work in four then make a list of food to buy. ( 四人一组制 定野餐购物计划, 列出清单 ) LIST ________ apples

15 1. She _____________ ( not like ) salad. 2. ______ you ______ ( like ) apples or oranges ? 3. He _______ ( eat ) lots of healthy food every day. 4. There _______ ( be ) some chicken on the table. 5. Mike’s brother _______ ( like ) ice cream. 6. ______ your father ______ ( like ) eggs for breakfast ? 7. They ____________ ( not like ) playing basketball. 8. There _____ ( be ) two tomatoes in the bag. 9. My mother _____ ( have ) supper at home every day. 10. Mr Green _____________ ( not have ) lunch every day. 二. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 : doesn’t like Dolike eats is likes Doeslike don’t like are has doesn’t have

16 一. 根据句意选择正确的词语填空 : 1. There are five ______ ( tomatoes, tomato ) on the table. 2. The ________ ( child, children ) are in the room. 3. She _________ ( doesn’t like, don’t like ) rice for lunch. 4. Do they _____ ( likes, like ) hamburgers ? 5. Does she _____ ( likes, like ) salad ? 6. Would you like some _____ ( milk, milks ) for breakfast ? 7. He _____ ( likes, like ) French fries. 8. “ Do you like salad ? ” “ Yes, I _____ ( do, like ). ” 9. My mother doesn’t have _____ ( a lunch, lunch ) at home. 10. Mike doesn’t like __________ ( bananas, banana ). tomatoes children doesn’t like like milk likes do lunch bananas


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