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Published bySteven Dawson Modified over 8 years ago
한마음 어린이 주일학교 Hanmaum Church Children’s Sunday School For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 HANMAUMCHURCH 교회 주소 : 4626 Kristen Marie Ln. Durham, NC 27713-3213 Church (919) 572-9191, Pastor (919) 913-7260 WORSHIP Call to Worship ( 예배의 선포 ) Opening Prayer ( 시작 기도 ) Lord’s Prayer ( 주기도문 ) Welcome ( 환영 ) & Announcement ( 광고 ) 대표기도 Praise ( 주님께 찬양 ) All Together ( 다 함께 ) Message ( 말씀 선포 ) 황미란 전도사님 Closing Prayer ( 마침기도 ) Sunday School Schedule 담임목사 : 조재언 목사님 전도사 : 황미란 전도사 (, 919-257-3073) July 1, 2012 순서시간장소 Worship ( 예배 ) 11:00 am – 11:50 am 소예배실 Lunch ( 식사 ) 12:00 pm-12:30 pm 친교실 Bible Study ( 성경공부 )12::30 pm – 1:30 pm 각 반각 반 학년, 교실이름이메일전화번호 킨더 (101 호 ) 한지은 hanjihan@gmail.com919-370-6454 킨더김우재 킨더이홍열 1 학년 (204 호 ) Joanna Cho chojoann@email.medrdith.edu919-428-0680 1 학년이요섭 dlee6365@gmail.com919-610-2849 2 학년 (202 호 ) 원일 iwon1968@yahoo.com919-923-3385 2 학년 Eunice Jangjang.eunice92@yahoo.com919-357-6810 3 학년 (102 호 ) 황관기 hwangkk2007@gmail.com919-257-3103 3 학년 박희은 heeeun1212@hotmail.com919-428-7615 4 학년 (106 호 ) 윤정숙 kimmyyun@yahoo.com516-996-8779 4 학년 (107 호 ) 안용덕 ydakim@hotmail.com919-413-2431 5 학년 (205 호 ) 김세현 died4me@gmail.com919-710-1645 5 학년
Today’s Sermon MEMORY VERSE ANNOUNCEMENT. 1. 하나님께서는 준비된 헌금을 기뻐 받으십니다. 교회에 오기 전에 정성스럽게 구별된 헌금을 봉투에 넣어 예배실에 마련된 헌금함에 넣어 주세요. God is pleased by offering that is prepared with care before arriving at church. Students should place offering in an envelope and put it in the offering basket when entering the sanctuary. 2. 한마음 Summer Camp 가 오는 7/23 일 주간부터 8/10 일까지 합니다. 1 차 등록 후에도 계속 등록을 받고 있습니다. 섬머캠프는 오전 10 시 - 오후 3 시까지 진행되며 Early Drop-Off 와 Extended Care 도 가능합니다. 등록비용은, 지역전도대상 및 정착가정 자녀 는하루 $5/ 한 주에 25 불이며 6 월 10 일 이후 등록자 및 지역 타교회 교인 자녀들은 하루 $10 불 / 한 주간에 $50 불입니다. We will have Hanmaum Summer Camp from 7/23 to 8/10. 3. 새로운 친구들이 많이 오는 기간입니다. 새친구들을 예수님의 사랑으로 반겨 주어 새 친구들이 교회에 잘 적응할수 있도록 도와 주기 바랍니다, 4. 교육관 건축을 위해 지속적으로 기도해 주세요. 5. 다음과 같은 규칙을 잘 따라주기 바랍니다. Please, keep these rules. 교육관 건축을 위하여 쌓아 논 건축 자재들을 가지고 놀거나 건축 현장에서 놀지 마세요. 다칠 위험이 있습니다. Do not play near the construction site. 교회에 컴퓨터 게임등을 가져 오지 말기 바랍니다. 교회 내에서는 예배에 더욱 집중하길 바랍니다. Do not bring the electric games to the church. Please, concentrate on the worship. 날이 더워졌습니다. 정수기를 가지고 물장난을 하지 마세요. Do not play with the water fountain. The First Church Acts 2; 4:1-22; 6:1-7 We are God’s coworkers. 1 Corinthians 3:9 Disciples were all together in one place, celebrating the Feast of Pentecost. Suddenly, a strong wind from heaven filled the room, and tongues, likes flames of fire, appeared and rested on each one of them. The disciples were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages. Thousands of Jews from many nations were in the city for the celebration. They were drawn to the house by the sound of the wind and were amazed that each could hear in his own language what the disciples were saying. Peter stood up and explained that they had just witnessed the coming of the Holy Spirit. Peter told about Jesus and about how He had died and been resurrected. Peter told how Jesus had filled Old Testament Scripture. Thousands of people were sorry for their sins and asked, “What must we do to be saved?” Peter replied, “Repent, and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” About three thousand people believed and were baptized. The new believers met together daily in the temple for teaching, fellowship, and prayer. They shred meals in one another’s homes. The apostles performed many miracles, and the believers shared what they had with those who were in need. Each one gladly used what he had the help the church and to bring others to know Jesus. Each day, people were saved and added to the church. Some of the Jewish leaders were concerned that so many people were hearing and responding to Peter and John’s preaching. Peter and John were arrested and asked by what authority they had healed a man who had been lame. Peter said, “By the name of Jesus Christ.” The leaders were amazed at the boldness of the two men and realized that they had been with Jesus. After warning them to no longer teach and preach in Jesus’ name, the authorities released Peter and John. Peter assured them that he would not be able to stop telling others about what he had seen and heard. The disciples realized that there were many issues in the church that needed their attention and that took time away from their preaching. It was decided that a group of men should be chosen to take care of these tasks. One of the seven men chosen was Stephen, “a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit.” Stephen eventually would be stoned to death for his faithfulness and service to God. GOD rules: Give God best attitude, Only focus on God, Don’t hesitate dance of sing for God FUN rules: Follow the rule Understand we’re here to give God our mind of attitude Never leave your seat
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