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Summer Term 2016 ‘Holidays’ Year 2 Language, Literacy and Communication A variety of writing genre will be covered this term including poetry, creative.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Term 2016 ‘Holidays’ Year 2 Language, Literacy and Communication A variety of writing genre will be covered this term including poetry, creative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Term 2016 ‘Holidays’ Year 2 Language, Literacy and Communication A variety of writing genre will be covered this term including poetry, creative stories and non-fiction writing. They will write a reportive account of the class trip to and a thank you letter once attended the visit. The children’s use and understanding of texts will be assessed through comprehension tasks. Reading groups will continue to take place on a daily basis and all children will continue to complete a weekly comprehension task. Mathematical Development Children will continue to develop their understanding of place value including partitioning and recombining numbers to to support their mental strategies. They will use their number knowledge to solve meaningful problems. We will continue to explore different ways of classifying data including horizontal and vertical bar charts, Venn and Carroll diagrams. As a result of their work in the Year Two garden the children hope to hold a 'Farmer's market at the end of the summer term in order to sell the produce they have grown. To prepare for this we will look at the costs involved in growing the flowers and vegetables and discuss at what cost we need to sell them in order to make a profit. Knowledge and Understanding of the World The children will carry out investigations involving planting a variety of vegetables in our garden and individual care of sunflower seeds. They will each make a ‘Hairy Potato Head’ and use this to develop their creative and factual writing. Children will continue to log on and off the computers independently. They will be expected to access programs independently and complete activities linked to the curriculum including research tasks. They will continue to refine their skills using the digi- blue camera, powerpoint and the microphones. The beebots will be used to reinforce points of the compass and right angled turns Children will use iPad apps such as: kidsipsiration, poplet, imovie to enhance learning Creative Development We will research different artists. The work of the artist Georgia O’keefe will also be discussed as part of our topic work. The children will continue to compose actions, sounds and use percussion instruments to accompany a wide variety of stories and songs relating to the topic. Physical Development The children will continue to develop their ball skills through competitive games including rounders, competitive quoits and relay games. They will continue to take more responsibility for placing the large apparatus and refining their gymnastic sequences. We will be holding a sports fortnight towards the end of the Summer Term. Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity Children will work through two themes about relationships and changes. The Relationships topic incorporates people who are important to us and feelings, particularly reasons for feeling proud and jealous. The Changes topic prepares the children as they change classes in the transition from The Foundation Phase to Key Stage 2. Personal responsibility in taking care of the environment will be discussed. The children will continue to develop the Year Two garden and grow flowers, herbs and vegetables. The children will plan and organise a celebration that will be funded by the money they make at their Farmers' market when they sell the produce they have grown Welsh Language Development Children will continue to practise the questions and language patterns they have learnt in daily 'Hot Seat' /'Gadair boeth' sessions. They will develop their understanding of the past tense when they continue to learn how to ask questions in the past tense.

2 Summer Term How You Can Help Language, Literacy and Communication Change home reader books regularly. Encourage your child to use and practise joined up handwriting. Encourage your child to use descriptive language to enhance their poetry and story writing skills.. Mathematical Development Encourage your child to tell the time. Discuss with your child the strategies they use to solve word problems. Support your child to give change when using money. Complete and return weekly homework activities. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Discuss caring for plants and animals. Look at old photographs from the 1950s and compare then and now. Encourage your child to follow directional language and recognise right from left. Creative Development Encourage the children to look at different artists work. Role play and encourage your child to use their imagination. Play music and make up rhymes and songs. Physical Development Help your child to explore the outdoor environment. Discuss with your child the importance of a healthy lifestyle Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity Discuss times when you feel proud of your own and your child’s achievements. Talk about feelings of jealousy and how we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Welsh Language Development Highlight the Welsh language when out and about. Ask your child to discuss what they like/ dislike in Welsh. Encourage them to talk about themselves/families.

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