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Bleeding disorders Dr. Mousa Qasim husssein Assistant professor, dep. of medicine Consultant physician Al-kindy college of medicine 14 th march 2016.

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1 Bleeding disorders Dr. Mousa Qasim husssein Assistant professor, dep. of medicine Consultant physician Al-kindy college of medicine 14 th march 2016




5 Normal hemostasis depends upon Vessel Wall Integrity Vessel Wall Integrity Adequate Numbers of Platelets Adequate Numbers of Platelets Proper Functioning Platelets Proper Functioning Platelets Adequate Levels of Clotting Factors Adequate Levels of Clotting Factors Proper Function of Fibrinolytic Pathway Proper Function of Fibrinolytic Pathway

6 Tests of Hemostasis: Screening tests: Bleeding.T - 2-8min. Platelet count,function & BV integrity. Bleeding.T - 2-8min. Platelet count,function & BV integrity. Platelet count (150 000-350 000/ml) Platelet count (150 000-350 000/ml) Prothrombin.T – Extrinsic (10-15 sec) Prothrombin.T – Extrinsic (10-15 sec) aPTT – Intrinsic (25-40 sec) aPTT – Intrinsic (25-40 sec) Thrombin.T – common path & Fibrinolytic Pathway (9-13 sec) (DIC) Thrombin.T – common path & Fibrinolytic Pathway (9-13 sec) (DIC) Specific tests: Factor assays – hemophilia, fibrinogen Factor assays – hemophilia, fibrinogen Tests of thrombosis – FDP, DDA, Tests of thrombosis – FDP, DDA, Platelet function studies:PFA -100 Platelet function studies:PFA -100 Adhesion, Aggregation, Release tests. Adhesion, Aggregation, Release tests. Bone Marrow study Bone Marrow study

7 It is important to consider the following points: Site of bleeding. 1- Bleeding into muscle and joints, along with retroperitoneal and intracranial haemorrhage, indicates a likely defect in coagulation factors.

8 2-Purpura, prolonged bleeding from superficial cuts, epistaxis, gastrointestinal haemorrhage or menorrhagia is more likely to be due to thrombocytopenia, a platelet function disorder or von Willebrand disease. 3-Recurrent bleeds at a single site suggest a local structural abnormality.

9 Duration of history. It may be possible to assess whether the disorder is congenital or acquired. Precipitating causes. Bleeding arising spontaneously indicates a more severe defect than bleeding that occurs only after trauma.

10 Surgery. Ask about all operations. Dental extractions, tonsillectomy and circumcision are particularly stressful tests of the haemostatic system. Immediate post-surgical bleeding suggests defective platelet plug formation and primary haemostasis, while delayed haemorrhage is more suggestive of a coagulation defect. However, in post-surgical patients, persistent bleeding from a single site is more likely to indicate surgical bleeding than a bleeding disorder.

11 Family history. While a positive family history may be present in patients with inherited disorders, the absence of affected relatives does not exclude a hereditary bleeding diathesis; about one-third of cases of haemophilia arise in individuals without a family history and deficiencies of factor VII, X and XIII are recessively inherited. Recessive disorders are more common in cultures where there is consanguineous marriage.

12 Drugs. Use of antithrombotic, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic drugs must be elicited. Drug interactions with warfarin and drug-induced thrombocytopenia should be considered. Some 'herbal' remedies may result in a bleeding diathesis.

13 Bleeding Disorders 1- vessel wall abnormalities: Normal vascular function is necessary for Effective haemostasis. Alteration in the integrity or structure of Blood vessel can lead to bleeding diathesis.

14 Vessel wall abnormalities may be: congenital, such as hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia acquired, as in a vasculitis

15 Congenital vessel wall abnormalities: 1-Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: Most common genetic cause of vascular bleding Dominantly inherited condition caused by Mutation in the endothelial cell genes coding for Endoglin and activator receptor-like kinase which Are receptors for the transforming growth Factor-beta,apotent angiogenic cytokine Concerned with vascular modelling.

16 Telangiectasia and small aneurysms are Found on the fingertips,on the face,in the Nasal passages,on the tongue,in the lung And in the GIT. A significant proportion develop larger (PAVMs) that cause Arterial hypoxaemia due to RT to LT shunt,which predispose To paradoxical embolism resulting in stroke or cerebral Abscess.


18 Patients present either with : 1-recurrent bleeds,particularyEpistaxis or with 2- iron deficiency anaemia due to occult GI bleeding More than ½ of the patients have epistaxsis by age of 20 and 90% by age of 45 years.

19 Platelet count and bleeding time are normal. Treatment can be difficult because of multiple Bleeding points but regular iron therapy often Allows the marrow to compensate for blood Loss. Local cautery or laser therapy may prevent Single lesion from bleeding. No medical therapy effective. Prognosis generally good.

20 All patients with HHT should be screened for PAVMs; if these are found, ablation by percutaneous embolisation should be considered.

21 Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (type 4) a rare autosomal dominant disorder (1 in 100 000) caused by a defect in type 3 collagen which results in fragile blood vessels and organ membranes, leading to bleeding and organ rupture. Classical joint hypermobility is often limited in this form of the disease but skin changes and facial appearance are typical. The diagnosis should be considered when there is a history of bleeding but normal laboratory tests. Ehlers-Danlos disease

22 Easy bruising Hypermobile joints. Typical bruising on legs.

23 Vitamin C deficiency affects the normal synthesis of collagen and results in a bleeding disorder characterised by perifollicular and petechial haemorrhage, bruising and subperiosteal bleeding. The key to diagnosis is the dietary history Scurvy

24 Scurvy. Perifollicular hemorrhage on the leg. The follicles are often plugged by keratin (perifollicular hyperkeratosis)


26 Vitamin C deficiency causes defective formation of collagen with impaired healing of wounds, capillary haemorrhage and reduced platelet adhesiveness.

27 Clinical features Swollen gums which bleed easily Perifollicular and petechial haemorrhages Ecchymoses Gastrointestinal bleeding Anaemia Poor wound healing Anaemia Poor wound healing

28 -Henoch-schonlein-purpura: Small vessel vasculitis occurs in children and young Adults and has good prognosis Typical presentation is with purpura over the buttocks And lower legs, abdominal symptoms (pain and bleeding)And arthritis(knee or ankle) following an upper respiratory tract infection


30 . Nephritis occurs in 40%of patients and may occur up to 4 weeks after the onset of other symptoms. The diagnosis can be only confirmed by demonstrating IgA deposition within and around blood vessel wall. Prognosis is determined by the degree and severity of renal involvement.

31 Although only 1% of patients develop end stage renal Failure, adverse features at presentation in adults include: 1-hypertension 2-abnormal renal function 3-proteinurea>1.5g/day Corticosteroid alone are effective for gastrointestinal And joint involvement but nephritis usually require treatment with both pulse I.V steroid and immunosuppressipn.

32 Causes of non-thrombocytopenic purpura: -Senile purpura -vasculitis -factitious purpura -paraproteinaemia -Henoch-Shoniein purpura -purpura fulminans -Amyloidosis -Cushing disease

33 Platelet disorders



36 Platelet function disorders: 1-hereditary disorders The bleeding history is similar among these Disorders. Life long history of easy bruising,epistaxis and Prolonged oozing after venipuneture,dental Extraction or other challenges to haemostasis.

37 Glanzmanns thromboasthenia: -Autosomal recessive -characterized by prolonged bleeding time and Platelets that fail to aggregate normally when Stimulated with ADP,epinephrine,collagen or Thrombin. 2 membrane glycoproteins GP IIb,IIIa that are Normally serve as receptors for fibrinogen in Activated platelets are markedly deficient Fibrinogen binding to platelets is required for platelet Aggregation.


39 Diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating deficiency Of platelet GP IIb,IIIa. Platelets count normal.

40 These conditions are usually managed by local mechanical measures, but antifibrinolytics, such as tranexamic acid, may be useful and, in severe bleeding, platelet transfusion may be required. Recombinant VIIa is licensed for the treatment of resistant bleeding in Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia.

41 Bernard-Soulier syndrom: Autosomal recessive Caused by deficiency of membrane Glycoprotein Complex,GP Ib-Ix Platelet count mildly decreased Platelets aggregate normallyin response to ADP, Collagen,epinephrine but fail in response to Restocetine.




45 Storage pool disease: Autosomal dominant The presence of defective platelet granules e.g. deficiency of dens(delta) granules. This gives rise to abnormal platelets Aggregation. Patients present with bleeding of platelet type varies In severity between patients,some presentwith frequent Recurrent bleeds whilst otheronly diagnosed because Of excessive post-operative haemorrhage.

46 The congenital macrothrombocytopathies that are due to mutations in the myosin heavy chain gene MYH-9 are characterised by large platelets, inclusion bodies in the neutrophils (Dِhle bodies) and a variety of other features, including sensorineural deafness and renal abnormalities.


48 Acquired disorders of platelets function: 1-drugs inhibited platelet function -NSAIDs *Aspirin *phenylbutazone *Indometacin *Sulfinpyrazone -Antibiotics *Penicillins *Cephalosporins -Dextran -Heparin -b-blockers

49 2-Renal failure 3-Hepatic failure 4-Paraproteinmias 5-Myeloprolifrative disorders

50 Drugs which inhibit platelet function and thrombosis include: aspirin (cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor) clopidogrel (inhibits adenosine diphosphate (ADP)- mediated activation) dipyridamole (inhibits phosphodiesterase), and the IIb/IIIa inhibitors abciximab, tirofiban and eptifibatide (prevent fibrinogen binding)

51 A reduced platelet count may arise by one of two mechanisms: *decreased or abnormal production (bone marrow failure and hereditary thrombocytopathies) *increased consumption following release into the circulation (immune-mediated, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or sequestration Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)

52 Spontaneous bleeding does not usually occur until the platelet count falls below 20 × 10 9 /L, unless their function is also compromised. Purpura and spontaneous bruising are characteristic but there may also be oral, nasal, gastrointestinal or genitourinary bleeding. Severe thrombocytopenia (< 10 × 10 9 /L) may result in retinal haemorrhage and potentially fatal intracranial bleeding.

53 Causes of thrombocytopenia I-Decreased production: 1-Marrow hypoplasia *Childhood bone marrow failure syndromes, e.g. Fanconi's anaemia, dyskeratosis congenita, amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia *Idiopathic aplastic anaemia *Drug-induced: cytotoxics, antimetabolites *Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease

54 2-Marrow infiltration: *Leukaemia *Myeloma *Carcinoma (rare) *Myelofibrosis *Osteopetrosis *Lysosomal storage disorders, e.g. Gaucher's disease 3-Haematinic deficiency *Vitamin B 12 and/or folate deficiency

55 4-Familial (macro-)thrombocytopathies *Myosin heavy chain abnormalities, e.g. Alport's syndrome, Fechner's syndrome *Bernard Soulier disease *Montreal platelet syndrome *Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (small platelets)

56 *Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) *Post-transfusion purpura *Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia *Drug-associated, especially quinine and vancomycin II-Increasesed consumption of platelets Immune Mechanisms

57 III-Coagulation activation Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) IV-Mechanical pooling Hypersplenism

58 V-Thrombotic microangiopathies *Haemolytic uraemic syndrome *Liver disease *Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Pre-eclampsia VI-Others *Gestational thrombocytopenia *Type 2B von Willebrand disease

59 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(ITP): The presence of autoantibodies,directed against platelet Membrane glycoprtein IIb-IIIa,causes the premature Removal of platelets by the monocyte-macrophage system Occasionally,antigen-antibody immune complexes adhere To the platelets at their Fc receptor,resulting in their Premature removal from the circulation.


61 It is not a single disorder; some cases occur in isolation while others are associated with underlying immune dysregulation in conditions such as connective tissue diseases, HIV infection, B cell malignancies, pregnancy and certain drug therapies. However, the clinical presentation and pathogenesis are similar, whatever the cause of ITP.

62 Clinical features and investigations The presentation depends on the degree of thrombocytopenia. Spontaneous bleeding typically occurs only when the platelet count is 50 × 10 9 /L are discovered by chance.

63 In adults ITP more commonly affects females and has an insidious onset. Unlike ITP in children, it is unusual for there to be a history of a preceding viral infection. Symptoms or signs of a connective tissue disease may be apparent at presentation or emerge several years later.

64 Patients aged over 65 years should have a bone marrow examination to look for an accompanying B cell malignancy and appropriate autoantibody testing performed if a diagnosis of connective tissue disease is likely.

65 HIV testing should be considered. The peripheral blood film is normal, apart from a greatly reduced platelet number, whilst the bone marrow reveals an obvious increase in megakaryocytes.

66 Management Many patients with stable compensated ITP and a platelet count > 30 × 10 9 /L do not require treatment to raise the platelet count, except at times of increased bleeding risk such as surgery and biopsy. First-line therapy for patients with spontaneous bleeding is with prednisolone 1 mg/kg daily to suppress antibody production and inhibit phagocytosis of platelets by reticuloendothelial cells

67 Administration of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) can raise the platelet count by blocking antibody receptors on reticuloendothelial cells, and is combined with corticosteroid therapy if there is severe haemostatic failure or a slow response to steroids alone. A similar effect can be obtained by administering intravenous anti-D which will bind red cells and saturate antibody receptors in RhD-positive individuals who have a spleen

68 Persistent or potentially life- threatening bleeding should be treated with platelet transfusion in addition to the other therapies.

69 The condition may become chronic, with remissions and relapses. Relapses should be treated by re- introducing corticosteroids. If a patient has two relapses, or primary refractory disease, splenectomy is considered with the precautions. Splenectomy produces complete remission in about 70% of patients and improvement in a further 20- 25%, so that following splenectomy only 5-10% of patients require further medical therapy.

70 If severe thrombocytopenia with or without significant bleeding persists despite splenectomy, second-line therapy with the thrombopoietin analogue romiplostim or the thrombopoietin receptor agonist eltrombopag should be considered. Low-dose corticosteroid therapy, immunosuppressants such as rituximab, ciclosporin and tacrolimus should be considered in cases where the approaches above are ineffective.

71 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP A rare disease of unknown etiology. Platelet thrombi form in the microvasculature affecting in Particular the renal and cerebral circulation. Excessive platelet aggregation is thought to occur because of The lack of a functioning protease enzyme which result in the Presence of extra-large Von Willebrand factor molecules. It can be associated with drugs, autoimmune disease and Infection(e.g.E.coli O157). Clinically there is pentad of diagnostic features : Throbocytopenia,microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, Fluctuating neurological signs, renal impairment and Fever.

72 In most cases the diagnosis is straightforward When the diagnosis uncertain gum, skin or Bone marrow biopsy may be helpful with Positive result in 40-60%of cases. Untreated mortality rates are 90%, this figure Falling to 10-30% after treatment with fresh Frozen plasma given during daily plasma Exchange.



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