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1. Have you been to the United States? Which state?

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2 1. Have you been to the United States? Which state?

3 2. What do you know about the United States? The current 50-star American flag was designed by a 17-year-old as a school project in 1958. He got a B-. The largest air force in the world is the U.S. air force. English is the most commonly spoken language in the U.S., followed by Spanish.

4 True or false 1. “How are you?” in the United States is a question that asks about health or well-being. 2. In Europeans countries, customers never tip after a meal even though they’re very pleased with the service. 3. Americans tend to tip anyone in the service industry including waitstaff, drivers, hotel employees, etc. 4. For some Europeans, it is hard to figure out whoever should be tipped in the United States. 5. If you want to buy chewing gum in the United States, you have to bring a lot of coins.

5 In European countries, you only leave a tip after a meal, if you’re very pleased with the service. 在欧洲,如果你对用餐服务非常满意,你可以在餐后留下小费。 条件状语从句 由引导词 if 或 unless 引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句,通常 译作 “ 假如 ” 。其他引导条件状语从句的连接词还有 “ as long as ” 等。 由 if 引导的条件状语从句表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生。 e.g. If you ask him, he will help you.

6 Choose the best answers. 1. Work hard, ________ you may catch up with your classmates soon. A. or B. but C. and D. if 2. We will have no water to drink ________ we don’t protect the earth. A. until B. before C. though D. if 3. You are sure to pass the exam ________ you study hard. A. if B. though C. that D. since 4. We’ll stay at home if it ________ this afternoon. A . rain B . rains C . to rain D . raining C D A B

7 No matter how many times a European visits the United States, he or she just cannot get used to the culture there. 无论一个欧洲人去过美国多少次,他 ( 她 ) 还是会不习惯美国的一些本土 文化。 “be/get used to sth./doing”, 习惯于 …… e.g. I just can’t get used to getting up early.

8 used to do 和 be/get used to sth./doing Compare: be/get used to doing sth. /doing 表示 “ 习惯于做某事 ” ,其 中 to 是介词,后接名词或动名词。 used to do 表示 “ 过去经常做某事 ” ,其中的 to 是不定式,所 以其后只接动词原形 ( 不能接动名词 ) 。

9 1. My cousin is used to ________ (study) with his new friends in Australia. 2. He used to ________ (live) in a small village, but now he has been used to ________ (live) in the big city. 3. Mr. Bush is used to ________ (get) up early in the morning. 4. There _______________ (be) a lot of red-crowned cranes in this area. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. studying live living getting used to be

10 Which country have you been to? Share with your partner one of the interesting things that happened during your trip.

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