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Retrieval & Forgetting. Using Cues to Aid Retrieval Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon (official definition) - Temporary inability to remember something you.

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Presentation on theme: "Retrieval & Forgetting. Using Cues to Aid Retrieval Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon (official definition) - Temporary inability to remember something you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Retrieval & Forgetting

2 Using Cues to Aid Retrieval Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon (official definition) - Temporary inability to remember something you know, accompanied by the feeling it is out of reach. Retrieval Cues – stimuli that help gain access to memories.*

3 Reconstructing Memories & the Misinformation Effect Using hypnosis in court to recall memories? Memories (to some extent) are reconstructions...subject to distortion and enhancement Elizabeth Loftus – The Misinformation Effect – When participants’ recall of an event they witnessed is altered by misleading post-event info (car accident experiment).

4 Monitoring & Destination Memory Marcia Johnson - Reality Monitoring – process of deciding whether memories are based on external sources (perception of events) or internal sources (thoughts and imagination). – Source Monitoring – involves making attributions about the origins of memories. sources not tagged to memories; assigned at time of retrieval Source Monitoring Error – occurs when a memory derived from one source is misattributed to another source. Destination Memory – recalling to whom one has told what. Cryptoamnesia - forgotten memory returns without it being recognized as such by the subject, who believes it is something new and original.


6 How Quickly We Forget: Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve Herman Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve: – Nonsense syllables – consonant-vowel-consonant arrangements that do not correspond to words. – Forgetting curve – graphed retention and forgetting over time. – “most forgetting occurs rapidly after learning something” Mostly only applied to “meaningless info”

7 Measures of Forgetting retention: proportion of material retained – retention interval: length of time between presentation and test 1.recall: no cues (essay, fill in the blank...harder) 2.recognition: cues (MC, T/F, matching) 3.relearning: measures benefit of having learned info beforehand

8 The Capital of Washington is… a)Seattle b)Spokane c)Tacoma d)Olympia

9 The Capital of Washington is… a)London b)New York c)Tokyo d)Olympia

10 Why We Forget? Ineffective Encoding “pseudoforgetting” – Lack of attention (ex. Textbook reading) Decay – forgetting occurs with passage of time – Sensory & STM = yes; LTM = no Interference – forgetting occurs b/c of competition from other material. – retroactive (recall of old info is difficult b/c of new info learned) v. proactive (Difficulty in learning new information because of already existing information)

11 Retrieval Failure – *encoding specificity principle: value of retrieval cue depends on how well is corresponds to the memory code (inconsistent retrieval) – *transfer-appropriate processing: occurs when initial processing of info is similar to the type of processing required for subsequent measurement of retention. Motivated Forgetting (repression) – tendency to forget things one doesn’t want to think about. – Repression: burying distressing thoughts in the unconscious.

12 Encoding Failures What is the color of the top stripe of the American flag? The bottom stripe? How many red and how many white stripes does it have?

13 Encoding Failures Most wooden pencils are not round. How many sides do they typically have?

14 Encoding Failures In what hand does the Statue of Liberty hold her torch?

15 Encoding Failures The White House is pictured on the back of a $20 bill. What is on the back of a $10 bill? $5? $1?

16 Encoding Failures What four words besides “In God We Trust” appear on most U.S. coins? Answer = United States of America

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