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CBA 2 Review. What four religions affirm the existence of one God? Belief in one God....Monotheism Ready, set, go.....

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Presentation on theme: "CBA 2 Review. What four religions affirm the existence of one God? Belief in one God....Monotheism Ready, set, go....."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBA 2 Review

2 What four religions affirm the existence of one God? Belief in one God....Monotheism Ready, set, go.....

3 Judaism Christianity Islam Sikhism Did you get it right???

4 Hmmmmm. How are mountains formed?

5 True or False The number of jobs in manufacturing has decreased since the 1950's.

6 What is petroleum???

7 If you said oil, you are correct!!!

8 Deciduous forests would have what type of climate?

9 And the answer is...... Temperatures ranging for warm to cold and moderate rainfall

10 What makes these examples regions?

11 Do you remember???? What is the orographic or rainshadow effect?


13 Push or Pull

14 How many reasons can you think of??? Why migrate

15 According to the table, which country is less developed?

16 In which economic activity level does a country normally make the most money? Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary

17 Where would you find subsistence agriculture and cottage industries?

18 How must Islamic Saudi Arabian dress? A. B.

19 Which religion generally believes that spirits exist in both living and nonliving things in nature? Islam Judaism Buddhism Animism

20 Do women is traditional Islamic Saudi Arabia have equal education opportunities?

21 What is NAFTA? What is the purpose of this organization??????

22 In which type of economic system does the government own big business, but private ownership of small businesses are allowed? Socialist Communist Free Enterprise

23 Why do we have seasons???

24 Primarily, where are more developed countries located?

25 What will this country need to prepare for in the near future?

26 Which are characteristics of less developed countries? Low birthrate High rates illiteracy Low economic development Poor infrastructure Advanced educational opportunities

27 Iran and Vatican City are examples of countries that have what type of government? Democracy Theocracy Monarchy

28 Theocracy

29 Place where important ideas begin and spread to surrounding cultures

30 What is cultural diffusion

31 How has advanced medical care affected population growth???

32 Where are the Great Plains located???

33 Concerning natural resources, what do these 2 states have in common?

34 Which layer of the Earth is the hottest?

35 How can desalination plants negatively affect the environment? Hint, Hint

36 Parallel lines running north and south of the Equator are referred to as lines of ____________.

37 Process that causes solar radiation to heat the Earth

38 Greenhouse effect

39 What area experiences midnight sun??? The Equator The Arctic The Horse Latitudes O

40 As you increase in elevation, the temperature ____________.

41 What are the doldrums???

42 The physical topography of a mountainous region is a direct effect of_____________________

43 Similar physical features throughout a region such as the Piney Woods of Texas are considered a _________ region.

44 In which sphere would an earthquake occur?

45 A shrine is a sacred place to remember and worship. What religious shrine would one find here ? U

46 What is urban sprawl? What are its effects?

47 An urban area that is no longer functional (producing) and the population leaves the area could turn into a ________ World city Tourist trap Ghost town

48 What does the demographic transition model track over time???

49 Process of people moving from rural areas to cities?

50 What type of boundary is this?

51 The belief that the individual's loyalty to the nation or state surpasses other interests, con lead to war in its most extreme forms is referred to as: Autocracy Democracy Nationalism

52 Agriculture, mining, fishing I am examples of what level of economic activity???

53 Why does the USA locate its manufacturing operations is less developed countries???

54 High illiteracy rates poor infrastructure lower life expectancy are traits common of a newly industrialized country developed country less developed country

55 Who makes the economic decisions in a communist system?


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