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How to Write an Effective Body AKA: The Part that REALLY Counts.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write an Effective Body AKA: The Part that REALLY Counts."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write an Effective Body AKA: The Part that REALLY Counts

2 The Dehumanization of a Contemporary Group Each of your research papers should consist of 2 major parts: 1.Informational: (1) how this group has been dehumanized (2) how this group has reacted, if at all 2. Persuasive: (3) a possible creative solution for this problem

3 How Should Each Body Paragraph Be Structured? EVERY SENTENCE OF YOUR BODY PARAGRAPH IS OF EQUAL IMPORTANCE: Formula: ▫Topic Sentence/Claim ▫Evidence ▫Analysis ▫Concluding Sentence

4 Topic Sentences/Claims Appears early in a body paragraph (1st or 2nd sentence) and controls the paragraph ▫Mini-thesis for each paragraph ▫Serves to unify contents of paragraph -- everything that follows in the paragraph needs to relate to topic sentence ▫SAY SOMETHING!

5 Topic Sentences: Examples Thesis: Due to the continually dehumanizing treatment of homosexuals, laws should be enacted that label offenses against lesbian and gay individuals as hate crimes. ▫Topic Sentence 1: There has been a string of violent attacks on individuals who identify as homosexual, even in the past few years. ▫TS 2: One way in which homosexuals and their allies have fought for acceptance is through the American legal system. ▫TS 3: Unfortunately, some are still opposed to the Supreme Court’s ruling and have chosen to overlook it. ▫TS 4: In order to protect gay and lesbian individuals, laws should be enacted that label offenses against them as nothing less than hate crimes.

6 Evidence and Analysis You always need evidence to back up your topic sentences/claims! Good sources of evidence: ▫Quotes ▫Paraphrasing You must say why and how this evidence supports your argument ▫You have to explain the significance of the evidence and its function in your paper ▫What turns a fact or piece of information into evidence is the connection it has with a larger claim or argument: evidence is always evidence for or against something, and you have to make that link clear

7 Analysis Questions that may help you explain how your evidence is related to your overall argument: ▫O.k., I’ve just stated this point, but so what? Why is it interesting? Why should anyone care? ▫What does this information imply? ▫What are the consequences of thinking this way or looking at a problem this way? ▫I’ve just described what something is like or how I see it, but why is it like that? ▫I’ve just said that something happens-so how does it happen? How does it come to be the way it is? ▫Why is this information important? Why does it matter? ▫How is this idea related to my thesis? What connections exist between them? Does it support my thesis? If so, how does it do that?

8 Concluding Sentences Similar to the restatement of your thesis at the beginning of your conclusion Should restate your topic sentence DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW IDEAS HERE ▫EACH PARAGRAPH SHOULD BE SELF- CONTAINED!

9 Day 1: Your Task Write the informational portion of your paper.

10 Day 2: Your Task Write the persuasive portion of your paper.

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