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 Talk to someone near you!  Can you come up with 5 things about Ebola/Avian flu?

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2  Talk to someone near you!  Can you come up with 5 things about Ebola/Avian flu?




6  More cases of a particular disease than expected in a given area  Or among a specific group of people  in a particular period of time.


8  a specific population has a high level of the disease all the time.

9  an epidemic that has spread through human populations across a large region   across continents   worldwide  Ex: Smallpox, Tuberculosis  RECENT: H1N1  Ebola?!?


11  The study of health problems   where & the causes!  Uses the scientific method to study & determine:  Who the disease affects  How disease spreads  How to contain it  Involves:  epidemiologists (aKa disease detectives)  laboratory scientists, statisticians, physicians & other

12 Agent/

13  1. Agent: microbe that causes the disease (the “what” )  2. Host: organism harboring the disease (the “who”)  3. Environment: methods/external factors that cause/allow spread of disease (the “where”)

14  Break at least one of the sides of the Triangle!  Disrupt the connection between:  environment, the host, and the agent  STOP the continuation of disease!

15  Think like an epidemiologist as you watch!  Answer Qs 1-6

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