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Globalization and Infectious Diseases By Tyler Davis Pr. 1 st.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization and Infectious Diseases By Tyler Davis Pr. 1 st."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization and Infectious Diseases By Tyler Davis Pr. 1 st

2 Examples of Infectious Diseases AIDS/HIV Swine Flu Botulism Hepatitis Measles E. Coli Ebola Plague; Bubonic, Pneumonic Influenza (Flu)

3 How Infectious Diseases are Transmitted Illnesses like the flu spread from person to person when droplets from the cough or sneeze of an infected person move through the air and get into the mouth or nose of people nearby. Sometimes they are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. Other infectious diseases are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.

4 The deadly spread of Infectious Diseases The spread of Infectious Diseases can be deadly and travels very fast. For example AIDS/HIV started in Africa and made it into the United States very fast and that was just over the period of a year. Another example was the Bubonic plague, it spread around the world so fast it was unbelievable. The Bubonic plague all started out with just a couple of people that got sick with the disease and then it spread worldwide.

5 The Precautions being taken When a outbreak of a infectious disease happens people immediately try to stop the disease from spreading to other places. They try to keep it in the spot that it started and no one leaves or comes into the place without serious precautions being taken to prevent the disease from spreading. Also giving vaccines so that if the disease happens to go out a little further, then the people can be prepared and not as likely to get it so it doesn’t spread anymore.

6 Connection This year in my science class we have been learning about the biosphere and how certain things in it can effect everyone in and around it. Globalization and Infectious Diseases can affect everyone and they can eventually spread from person to person and place to place.

7 Call to Action A way for Globalization and Infectious Diseases to go down is for people to get vaccinated. So when a disease comes they can be protected from it and it can stop it from spreading. Another way is for medical personnel to travel to 3 rd world countries and make it available for them to get vaccinated so it won’t spread throughout their countries. Also getting more people educated so they can stop the disease themselves and help more people so the infectious disease doesn’t get worse.

8 Citations Department of Health “Infectious Diseases” State of Rhode Island Department of Health Web 26 May 2015. Gale Global Issues “Globalization and Infectious Diseases” Utah Education Network Web 26 May 2015 CDC “Understand How Infectious Diseases Spread” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 31 July 2011 Web 26 May 2015 Mayo Clinic “Infectious diseases” Diseases and Conditions January 1998 Web 26 May 2015

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