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Anti-dysenteric Ipecacuanha PH103.481. 2 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH Name : R.D.L.P.Christian Designation: Lecturer in pharmacy Branch:

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-dysenteric Ipecacuanha PH103.481. 2 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH Name : R.D.L.P.Christian Designation: Lecturer in pharmacy Branch:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-dysenteric Ipecacuanha PH103.481

2 2 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH Name : R.D.L.P.Christian Designation: Lecturer in pharmacy Branch: Pharmacy Institute: GPW, Srikakulam(088) Year: I year Subject: Pharmacognosy Subject Code: PH-103 Topic: Anti-dysenteric Sub-Topic: Ipecacuanha Duration: 50 min. Teaching Aids: PPT, Photographs

3 PH103.483 OBJECTIVES On completion of this period you would be able to learn about : The monograph of the Anti-dysenteric drug IPECACUANHA

4 PH103.484 ANTI-DYSENTERIC DRUGS - DEFINITION The drugs and agents which have Amoebicidal activity Used to cure or prevent Amoebic dysentery Amoebic dysentery is caused by the protozoa Entamoeba histolytica

5 PH103.485 Fig.48.1 Ipecac plant

6 PH103.486 IPECAC S yn: Ipecacuanha Biological Source : Dried rhizomes and roots of Cephalis ipecacuanha Cephalis acuminata Family : Rubiaceae Geographical Source: Rio or Brazilian ipecac (C. ipecacuanha) from Brazil, India, Myanmar & Malaysia, Panama & Cartagena ipecac (C. acuminata) from Columbia, Panama, Nicaragua & India

7 PH103.487 CULTIVATION, COLLECTION & PEPARATION Grown in the foot hills of Himalayas Sowing of seeds in mid Jan and Feb Germination (treatment with lime water and Hydrogen peroxide) Two month old seedlings Transplanted 10 X 10cm spacing Temp 23-28 o C Uprooted after 3 years of vegetative growth, dried

8 PH103.488 Fig.48.2 Cephalis ipecacuanha plant & roots

9 PH103.489 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Brazilian ipecacuanha Root : Colour : Dark brick red to dark brown Odour : Faint Taste : Bitter Size : upto 150mm length and 6mm thick Shape : found in tortuous pieces Rhizome : Colour : Brick red to dark brown Size : about 2mm in dia attached to root Shape : Cylindrical

10 PH103.4810 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Panama ipecacuanha Colour: Greyish brown to reddish brown Odour: Faint Taste: Bitter Size: larger than Brazilian- 9mm thick Shape: Cylindrical Extra features: Annulations are present in Brazilian variety and absent in Panama variety. Ridges are present encircling the roots in both

11 PH103.4811 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Contains 2-2.5% of Isoquinoline alkaloids The alkaloids are Cephaeline, Psychotrine, Psychotrine methyl ether and Emetine The alkaloids are closely related and can be interconverted Also contains ipecacuanhic acid, Glycoside, Starch, Phytosterol, Maleic acid, Citric acid, Sugar, Resin, Fat, calcium oxalate etc.,

12 PH103.4812 STANDARDS Total ash: not more than 5% Acid-insoluble ash: not more than2% Foreign organic matter: not more than 1%

13 PH103.4813 CHEMICAL TESTS 1. 500 mg drug +20 ml HCl + 5ml Water shake well & filter Filtrate + 0.5 mg Potassium chlorate Yellow colour changing to Red onstanding due to emetine 2. Drug + sulphuric acid + molybdic acid Bright green colour

14 PH103.4814 USES In small doses as an Expectorant In large doses as an Emetic Used in Amoebic dysentery Emetine is used as Anti-tumour Ipecac syrup is used as Antidote because of its emetic properties

15 PH103.4815 DOSE Emetine hydrochloride: 1mg per kg body weight, SC or IM injection Should not exceed 60 mg Max. upto 5 days

16 PH103.4816 ALLIED PLANTS Various genera belonging to Rubiaceae Contain Emetine

17 PH103.4817 SUMMARY In this class we learnt about : The monograph of the Anti-dysenteric drug IPECAC Ipecac contains Iso-quinoline alkaloids and other constituents Important alkaloids are Emetine, Cephaeline and Psychotrine

18 PH103.4818 QUIZ 1. Ipecac can be used as a) Expectorant b) Emetic c) Anti-amoebic d) Above all

19 PH103.4819 QUIZ 2. The plant part of Ipecac that is used a) Root b) Rhizome c) Both d) None of the above

20 PH103.4820 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1.Write the Botanical Source and Morphological features of Ipecac 2.Write the Chemical Constituents and Uses of Ipecac 3.Give example for an anti-dysenteric drug. Mention the Biological Source and Chemical constituents

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