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Countries Physical Features Vocabulary Problems in Africa Slavery & Colonialism Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Countries Physical Features Vocabulary Problems in Africa Slavery & Colonialism Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Countries Physical Features Vocabulary Problems in Africa Slavery & Colonialism Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500

2 Countries-100 What is Kenya? BACK

3 Countries-200 What is Somalia? BACK

4 Countries-300 What is The Ivory Coast? BACK

5 Countries-400 What is the Congo Republic? BACK

6 Countries-500 What is Rwanda BACK

7 Physical Features-100 What is the Congo River? BACK

8 Physical Features-200 What is Lake Victoria? BACK

9 What is Lake Victoria?

10 Physical Features-300 What is the Sahel? BACK

11 Physical Features-400 What is the Serengeti Plain? BACK

12 Physical Features-500 What is the Kalahari Desert? BACK

13 Vocabulary-100 This is the region of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. What is Sub-Saharan Africa? BACK

14 Vocabulary-200 This word describes the king of Swaziland that bought himself a jet instead of feeding his people. What is corrupt? BACK

15 Vocabulary-300 This process is caused by drought and is making more of Africa unsuitable for farming. What is desertification? BACK

16 Vocabulary-400 A person becomes this when they flee their country because of war or famine. What is a refugee? BACK

17 Vocabulary-500 European countries were practicing this when they divided up Africa in a conference in Berlin in 1884. What is colonialism? BACK

18 Problems in Africa-100 This is often a problem because droughts ruin the crops many Africans need for food. What is famine? BACK

19 Problems in Africa-200 This is a growing epidemic in Africa because the people do not have money for medicine and they are uneducated about it. What is AIDS? BACK

20 Problems in Africa-300 Many countries in Africa are called this because many of the people are poor and they lack modern industries & technology. What is a developing nation? BACK

21 Problems in Africa-400 Many of the farmers in Africa remain in poverty because the governments do not pay them these. What are subsidies? BACK

22 Problems in Africa-500 People might become refugees if their government is overthrown by this. What is a coup? BACK

23 Slavery & Colonialism-100 This is where most slaves came from. What is west Africa? BACK

24 Slavery & Colonialism-200 This country had the most African colonies. What is Great Britain? BACK

25 Slavery & Colonialism-300 This is how Europeans captured slaves. What is by raiding towns? BACK

26 Slavery & Colonialism-400 Most Africans were sent to this region after being enslaved. What is the Americas? BACK

27 Slavery & Colonialism-500 This is where European countries divided Africa into different colonies in1884. Where is Berlin? BACK

28 Potpourri-100 This race was the majority of the population in South Africa during the Apartheid. What is blacks? BACK

29 Potpourri-200 This race was given a majority of the land in South Africa during the Apartheid. What is White? BACK

30 Potpourri-300 Who were two men that wanted the world to know about the horrors of Apartheid? Steven Biko and Donald Woods BACK

31 Potpourri-400 What non renewable resources were found in South Africa? Gold, Diamond, Uranium, Platinum BACK

32 Potpourri -500 The race that was given most of the land in South Africa. What is white?

33 Describe 2 ways the African National Congress opposed apartheid? Went into white areas Refused to work Refused to buy white products

34 Potpourri-500 This man was the first president of South Africa when the Apartheid ended. Who is Nelson Mandela? BACK

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