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Lesson 12 – Ending Slavery in the Modern World. Aims Check  SWBAT create a plan to eliminate modern slavery from existence.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 12 – Ending Slavery in the Modern World. Aims Check  SWBAT create a plan to eliminate modern slavery from existence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 12 – Ending Slavery in the Modern World

2 Aims Check  SWBAT create a plan to eliminate modern slavery from existence.

3 Your Task  In a group of 1-3 people, please come up with a plan to eliminate modern day slavery. You will have the whole class to research and create a position poster/position paper/insert your idea here that outlines your plan:  You can show your work in any form you wish – poster, write a play, write a paper, write an instruction manual, write a children’s book – whatever you think will best work for the research that you have done.

4 Requirements  1. Research and take notes on: (1 page of notes per idea)  A. Definition of modern slavery  B. Where slavery exists (perhaps you want to focus on one place)  C. Plans that already exist in the world to eliminate slavery  D. A summary for each page of notes  2. Research programs that are already in place (see resources on the next slide for assistance)  3. Develop a plan to get rid of slavery in the world. Make sure your plan is realistic and something that could truly happen.  4. Produce something (see previous slide) that shows your plan.

5 Final Project  1. A map with data of your region of focus. How many slaves are there? Where do the slaves come from? What work are they doing?  2. A step-by-step plan to get rid of slavery in that area. This must be something that is actually possible.  3. History of slavery in that area, possible sharing real-life stories of people going through it.  4. Can be a poster, booklet, Powerpoint, children’s book, textbook chapter format, graphic organizer.

6 Helpful Sites  CNN Freedom Project  ree-voices-how-to-end-modern-day-slavery/ ree-voices-how-to-end-modern-day-slavery/  Free The Slaves   Christian Science Monitor – How to End Slavery  difference/Change-Agent/2013/1206/How-to-end-modern- slavery difference/Change-Agent/2013/1206/How-to-end-modern- slavery

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