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Data Management and Analysis Technology Melvin Freeman The Next Step Public Charter School.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management and Analysis Technology Melvin Freeman The Next Step Public Charter School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management and Analysis Technology Melvin Freeman The Next Step Public Charter School

2 Readers WBAT make informed decisions when creating or improving their data management architecture. Objective

3 Contents  Purpose of an Integrated Data System Architecture  Steps to Transitioning to a Data Warehouse-Business Intelligence Architecture  Design Constraints  Design Tips

4 Purpose of an Integrated Data Architecture Organized data system architecture allow schools and organizations to easily answer key questions using data.  As schools become more and more data-driven, choosing the appropriate technology to support data management/analysis has become increasingly important  Independent, isolated sets of data warrant attention, because they’re inefficient and incapable of delivering on the business promise of data warehousing.  These stand-alone databases may be easier to implement initially, but without a higher-level enterprise integration strategy, they’re dead ends that perpetuate incompatible views of the organization.  The goal is integration and consistency across data sources and business units

5 What does a well designed system architecture look like?

6 Data Warehouse Business Intelligence Architecture Value Add  All data in one place (academics, human capital, finance, etc.)  Ability to perform analysis across business units  Consistent views of data across business lines  Access to real-time reports and dashboards Source Systems Data Warehouse ETL Data Presentation Area Business Intelligence and Analytics ETL

7 Transitioning to Integrated Data Architecture 1.Identify the existing the data sources. 2.Understand the organization’s unmet business requirements for the data warehouse at a high level. 3.Gather key stakeholders to develop a preliminary enterprise data warehouse needs for your organization (both technical and business users). The goal of this meeting is to gain buy in. 4.Agree on what data needs to be collected and included in the data warehouse. 5.Devise realistic, incremental development and administration plans for implementing and deploying or converting to the new architecture.

8 Design Constraints The requirements that we seek to place on our design because they are necessary to publish the right data  Understandability  Speed  Implementation Costs  Hardware and Software Costs  Daily Administrative Costs  Cost of Surprises  Prevention of Irrelevant Results  Prevention of Inappropriate Centralization

9 Design Tips  Focus on the organization goals The success of these efforts is totally dependent on business user engagement; keeping the business users involved and meeting their requirements dramatically increases the probability of success.  Obtain senior management sponsorship Senior management must accept, support, manage and fund these efforts as long-term programs.  Organize for success Successful initiatives are undertaken as a partnership between the IT team and the business units.  Focus on data quality  Establish a phased design, development and deployment plan It is nearly impossible to tackle everything at once. Embrace an iterative development plan that avoids an overly ambitious scope.

10 Appendix

11 Additional Resources  The Data Warehouse Toolkit by Ralph Kimball

12 Organization Data Needs Business Needs  What specific problem is your organization trying to solve?  What questions is your organization trying to answer with data? Technology  What devices to my school users have (laptops, mobile, etc.)?  What systems are we currently using?  Are the systems connected? Data  Am I collecting all the data I need?  How much data do I have? Staffing  What staff will support data management?

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