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Self-service data visualization & discovery Stefanos Tsolakidis – Sales & Alliances Director QlikView Hellas.

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1 Self-service data visualization & discovery Stefanos Tsolakidis – Sales & Alliances Director QlikView Hellas

2 Founded in Lund, Sweden in 1993 Headquartered in Radnor, PA, USA 37,000 customers and 1,700 partners in more than 100 countries High growth rate outpacing marketMore than 2,000 employees 37,000 1,700 100

3 37,000 happy customers Communicati ons, energy and utilities Manufacturing and high tech Financial services Healthcare and life sciences Retail and services Public sector

4 QlikView Hellas 2010 est. | 3 countries | 400+ customers

5 Today’s reality in the digital economy It’s people who make decisions It’s people who need to harness the data Source: “The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things” – April 2014 Data is exploding But data is just a source

6 Change is constant and rapid Industry average deployment Traditional BI: 18 months Time to build one report Traditional BI: 6.3 weeks Organizations who don’t adapt will die / But Business Intelligence is too slow of business managers have seen their decision window shrink in the last 12 months of business professionals need to make data-driven decisions within one day Source: “The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things” – April 2014 64 % 42 % 186.3 MONTHSWEEKS

7 See the whole story that lives within your data Innovative associative model enables users to probe all the possible associations that exist in their data, across all data sources, to answer not just “What happened?”, but “Why?”, and “What is likely to happen?” A platform for all your visual analytics needs More than a tool, Qlik’s platform approach enables centrally deployed guided analytics, self-service data visualization, embedded and custom built analytics, collaboration and reporting Agility for the business user, with trust and scale for IT Support the business and IT; Data sourcing and preparation, visualization and analytics, collaboration and reporting all within a governed framework A visual analytics platform

8 See the whole story that lives within your data versus Associative visual analytics Linear data visualization Result of the partial story: You reduce the number of operations Result of the whole story: You increase effectiveness of procedures to maintain the number of operations

9 Qlik platform rapidly make data accessible, whatever the source

10 visualizes data so people can use it… Anytime, Anywhere Total freedom from the desktop Any business user can create a Qlik application Mash them up into complementary apps like Google Maps or SharePoint

11 Solution areas by industry sector Manufacturing and high tech Sales and marketing Supply chain Manufacturing operations Retail and services Customer intelligence Merchandising Supply chain Operations Healthcare Clinical and outcomes Operations Finance and performance improvement Communications Sales and marketing Customer intelligence Finance Operations Life sciences Sales and marketing Clinical and operations Supply chain Energy and utilities Sales and marketing Customer intelligence Finance Operations Public sector Government spend analysis Workforce performance Crime analysis and intelligence Financial services Risk management Customer intelligence Cost reduction

12 Shipping Industry

13 Maritime Trends

14 Strategic Partnership

15 Solution Offering

16 Solution Benefits

17 Demo

18 Thank you

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