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Dhaka, Bangladesh, 12-14 March 2016 12 TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON AIDS IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC ICAAP12 Government of Bangladesh

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1 Dhaka, Bangladesh, 12-14 March 2016 12 TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON AIDS IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC ICAAP12 Government of Bangladesh Children of sex workers (ChSW), Children Affected/Infected By AIDS (CABA) and their families lacking protection services for violence and abuse in Bangladesh

2 Outline Background Methodology Results Conclusions Limitation Acknowledgments

3 Background In Bangladesh, there are over 57 million children under the age of 18, which translates to 40% of the country’s population (UNICEF, 2012). Large margin of children do not have access to proper nutrition, education, health services and are at high risk of abuse and exploitation. Specifically, Children of sex workers (ChSWs) and children affected/infected by AIDS (CABA) are some of the most-at-risk and vulnerable groups. ChSWs and CABA are largely stigmatized within their communities and are denied basic rights, services and protection. Many are not receiving appropriate care from their parents or extended families due to poverty and lack of information and access to services.

4 Background… Objective of the study At the beginning of the Chetona project, a baseline study was conducted in November 2014 and provided a baseline value on the indicators set out to measure progress towards the project objectives of prevention from all forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation, ensuring access to basic and protective services for CABA and ChSWs.

5 Methodology The study was conducted in five program locations under five districts - Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajbari and Khulna. To have a representative sample, used a list of beneficiaries available with the local NGOs and other stakeholders in the program areas. The random sample size was estimated 575 (233 female, 45 male, 167 girl child and 130 boy child) for the study and as such those number of respondents from CABA, ChSW and their mothers/caregivers were selected. 16 in-depth interviews (IDI) were taken from Mothers/caregivers of ChSW and CABA; 4 key informant interview (KII) with civil society partners; 4 focus group discussion (FGD) with community men and women were conducted.

6 Methodology… Ethical consideration Detailed questionnaire with coding, guideline and tape recorder were used for quantitative and qualitative data collection. Written consent were taken, provided full and correct information regarding the study. Strict confidentiality and freedom were exercised by the respondents. Privacy during the interview process was safeguarded.

7 Results Knowledge on child rights, violence, abuse and exploitation - mother/caregiver and children 77% mothers/caregivers has knowledge on child rights, but 92.75 have no knowledge on violence, abuse and exploitation. 61% children have knowledge on child rights and 47.8% children did not have any knowledge about violence, abuse and exploitation. Around 55% of the parents/caregivers strongly agreed that a child can be an easy target for abuse, exploitation and discrimination and violence. Children who are found more aware of child abuse and exploitation, majority of them expressed (ChSW: 84.4% and CABA: 80.8%) that a child has the risk of getting physically abused the most besides psychological abuse, child marriage and sexual abuse and trafficking. 61.3% mother and children do not know about protection from sexual exploitation and 64% mother and children do not know about protection from abuse and neglect.

8 Results… Type of violence and exploitation the children faced in last 6 months (%)

9 Results… 18.7% of the children (ChSW: 28.6% and CABA: 9%) experienced some kind of abuse and exploitation in last 6 months. 55.8% ChSW and 34.6% CABA knew about where to go to complain about exploitation and abuse. 69.4% children do not know how to protect themselves whereas only about 30.6% know how to protect themselves from any kind of violence. A few children (17.6%; n=278) have discussed about physical abuse, followed by verbal abuse (15.8%; n=278), violence (14%; n=278) and sexual abuse (9%; n=278) with their mothers or caregivers. 4.3% mother/caregiver were found whose children have talked to them about exploitation

10 Results… Indicators ChSWCABA N%N% Living in an unhygienic and shabby house 7949.42115.3 Not having the proper shelter 4729.41410.2 Not having 3 times meal properly in a day 3018.8118 Forced to work for earnings 74.475.1 Low wages 116.953.6 Being dropped out from school 1610 7.3 Not being able to get admitted in a good school 4226.33223.4 Not financially able to receive any medical services 4528.14230.7 People behave badly 159.41410.2 People indicates inappropriate gesture 95.6128.8 People called by different names 74.485.8 Financial crisis 42.532.2 There is not a problem 2213.84734.3

11 Conclusion A large number of ChSW, CABA and their mothers/ caregivers are still unaware about child protection, violence issues and have very limited knowledge about positive parenting. So, children and their parents/caregivers capacity building on child rights and protection is needed. CABA and ChSWs are not fully accepted in the society and they face huge stigma and discrimination in society. To reduce the vulnerability of child abuse and violence issues, mass awareness program can be arranged to make people understand that CABA and ChSWs also deserve to live and enjoy all rights like other children.

12 Conclusion… Community sensitization activity can play a vital role to prevent abuse, exploitation, negligence and creating social service accessibility for CABA and ChSW. Civil society has huge scope to work for CABA and ChSW in collaboration with Govt. to ensure the protection of ChSW and CABA. Since, most of the children do not know the ways of protecting themselves from such incidences which indicates there is a scope of enhancing capacity of the children on “child resilience”.

13 Limitation Due to religious festival on ahead during the survey conducting period, the number of sample size had reduced to 575 from 646 due to unavailability of the respondent.

14 Acknowledgments Australian Aid for funding Chetona project Sector Director, Child Protection sector, Save the Children, Bangladesh Chief of Party-HIV/AIDS Program, Save the Children, Bangladesh Senior Director, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, International Program, Save the Children US Advisor, HIV/AIDS, Africa, International Program, Save the Children US Senior Manager, CWAC, Child Protection sector, Save the Children, Bangladesh Senior Manager, HIV/AIDS Program, Save the Children, Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Staff members of Child protection and HIV program, Save the Children, Bangladesh Relevant staff members of implementing partner organizations The Nielsen Company (Bangladesh) Limited

15 Thank You Q/A

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