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계명대학교 동산의료원 소화기 내과 조 광 범 대한 소화기 내시경 학회 66 회 증례집담회.

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Presentation on theme: "계명대학교 동산의료원 소화기 내과 조 광 범 대한 소화기 내시경 학회 66 회 증례집담회."— Presentation transcript:

1 계명대학교 동산의료원 소화기 내과 조 광 범 대한 소화기 내시경 학회 66 회 증례집담회

2 김 O O F/50 Chief Complaint Constipation Present Illness 3 년 전부터 constipation develop 당일 constipation 지속되어 LMC 에서 시행한 colonoscopy 상 mass 발견되어 본원으로 전원 됨. Case Presentation

3 Past History HTN(-), DM(-), Pul. Tbc(-) Physical Examination V/S 100/80mmHg-80 회 /min-18 회 /min-36.9°C HEENT not pale conjunctiva Heart RHB without murmur Lung CBS without crackle Ext pitting edema (-/-)

4 Laboratory Data CBC 5870-9.9/29.3-291000 PT/aPTT 11.6/30.7 Na/K 141/4.3 BUN/Cr 8/1.2 Ca/P 9.4/4.3 Glu 128 Total P/alb 6.7/3.7 Bil. (T/D) 1.1/0.3 ALP/AST/ALT 78/22/10 R/U albumin(-) glucose(-) RBC(-) WBC(0-1) CEA 4.82 (nl<5) CA 125 15.84 (nl<35)

5 Chest X-ray

6 Simple Abdomen

7 Colonoscopy - LMC

8 Colonoscopic finding

9 Abdominal CT - 2

10 Abdominal CT - 4

11 Abdominal CT - 5

12 Impression Transverse colon mass cause R/O Colon cancer

13 Treatment Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy Wedge resection of T-colon

14 Gross Finding 4*3*4cm round cystic consistency

15 Specimen after Resection Intraluminal(T-colon) fungating mass

16 Microscopic finding

17 Final diagnosis # Benign Cystic Teratoma of the Ovary Rupturing into Transverse Colon

18 A case of Mature Cystic Teratoma of the ovary with rupture into the sigmoid colon and peritoneal cavity J Korean Surg Soc Vol.60(2), Feb.2001 A case of Squamous cell carcinoma arising in the Mature Cystic Teratoma with Direct invasion to transverse Colon and jejunum K.C.P.S. Vol.14(1), March, 1998 Benign Mature Teratoma of the Large Bowel: A case report J Pediatric Surgery Vol.31(5),May, 1996

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