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Published byRonald Tyrone Reeves Modified over 8 years ago
AVIATION Prime Times 3 rd Period Mr. & Mrs. Smith
1.Drone Uses Brain Storm 2.Simulator Goals and Hints 3.Research Project 1 4.Drone Research Rubric (Staple in after Graded) 5.UAV Uses Presentation Notes (staple in) 6.Bernoulli’s Principle 7.4 Principles of Flight 8.Phonetic Alphabet 9.Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviation 10.Trainer Drone Goals 11.Trainer Drone Rules 12.Quiz Study Items Chapter 1 13.Flight Simulator Goals 14.Aerospace Quiz (Staple in) 15.Trainer Drone Flight Test 16.Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviations 2 17.Aviation Abbreviations & Acronyms 3 18.Century of Flight Facts “Those Daring Young Men” (staple in) 19.Common ATC Communications 20.20-Typical Airport Traffic Pattern 21.Chapter 2 Review Questions Table on Contents
Drone Uses: Military-Surveillance/Air Strike Transport Photograph Agriculture Rescue Security Geology Wildlife Research Prime Time 1 Drone Uses Brain Storm
Hints: Left Stick =Throttle (up and down) Right Stick=Left, Right, Forward, Back Aircraft=Gaui 330x-s Quadrocopter Flyer v2 Goals For First Simulator Check off Get used to 3 rd Person Hover (Fixed View) Get Used to First Person View (Nose) Fly boxes Prime Time 2 Simulator Goals and Hints
Requirements: 10 Images and at least 1 video What is the height of technology? What is future of it Cost Brand Names Specifications (Size, speed, style, etc) Autonomy Where are they found? Prime Time 3 Informational Research Project 1
(Staple in after Graded) Prime Time 4 Drone Research Rubric
(staple in) Prime Time 5- UAV Uses Presentation Notes
What is Bernoulli’s Principle? h?v=8vqMotb6m3c h?v=8vqMotb6m3c Prime Time 6-Bernoulli’s Principle
What is Bernoulli’s Principle? Prime Time 6-Bernoulli’s Principle
Prime Time 7- 4 Principles of Flight 1.Lift 2.Thrust 3.Drag 4.Weight/Gravity
A. Alpha B. Bravo C. Charlie D. Delta E. Echo F. Foxtrot G. Golf H. Hotel I. India J. Juliet K. Kilo L. Lima M. Mike PT 8 Phonetic Alphabet
What do the following acronyms mean? 1.VFR 2.IFR 3.ATAS Prime Time 9-Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviations
What do the following acronyms mean? 1.VFR=Visual Flight Reference 2.IFR=Instrument Flight Reference 3.ATAS=Airspace and Traffic Advisory Service Prime Time 9-Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviation
Hover in normal Box Flights in normal Diagonals for an A Log 50 minutes (Make sure you completely fill out each log!) Prime Time 10 Trainer Drone Goals
1.Never use a trainer when teachers are not present. 2.Must Log all time!!! Drone log should have begun before you turn on a drone. 3.If you did not begin log prior to turning on drone, you are responsible for repair. That would be considered playing. 4.If you begin log, teachers are responsible for repair. Prime Time 11 Trainer Drone Rules
Study the following: Bernoulli’s Principle 4 Principles of Flight Phonetic Alphabet Chapter 1 Questions Prime Times 12-1 st Quiz Friday
10 Logs of at least 5 minutes each (Make sure you completely fill out each log!) Prime Time 13 Flight Simulator Goals
Staple into book. Prime Time 14-Aerospace Technology Quiz
1 st Graded Goal Test Flight-Hover, Nose box Flying, Diagonals (for an A) Next, Graded Goal: Flying Patterns of Airport ATC Communications using phonetic alphabet and standard procedures, including compass readings for approach. Make sure you take off into the wind!! You will for now on be flying on runways!!!! And practice making ATC Communications. MUST BE WRITTEN IN NOTES IN LOGBOOK! Each week you will be assigned a different runway!! Example: KWHS Orange entering downwind waiting for clearance for research flight. Prime Time 15-Trainer Drone (Alias
What do the following acronyms mean? 1.CAP 2.CFI 3.NWS Prime Time 16-Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviations 2
What do the following acronyms mean? 1.CAP=Civil Air Patrol 2.CFI=Certified Flight Instructor 3.NWS= National Weather Service Prime Time 16-Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviations 2
What do the following acronyms mean? 1.ATC 2.FDAT 3.SATCOM Prime Time 17 Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviations
What do the following acronyms mean? 1.ATC=Air Traffic Control 2.FDAT=Flight Data 3.SATCOM=Satellite Communications Prime Time 1`7 Aviation Acronyms & Abbreviations 3
View DVD and write 15 facts! Extra facts = Extra credit! Prime Time 18-Century of Flight “Daring Young Men”
Common Air Traffic Control TermsRadio Term Message Meaning Roger I understand Wilco (think "will comply") Yes, I'll do that Say Again Didn't understand, repeat Unable No, I can't do that Affirmative Yes Negative No Vector/Vectoring Assigned headings to fly Prime Time 19-Common ATC Communications
1.What are the four principles of flight? Diagram on an airplane? 2.What is unacelerated flight? Prime Time -Chapter Review
1.What are the four principles of flight? Diagram on an airplane? 2.What is unacelerated flight? Prime Time 21-Chapter Review
Question #1 Principles of Flight 1.Lift 2.Thrust 3.Drag 4.Weight/Gravity 1.What are the four principles of flight? Diagram on an airplane?
2. What is unacellerated flight? Flight when all 4 forces are= drag=thrust=lift= gravity only happens when in flight and there is no change in speed nor direction Prime Time 21-Chapter Review
1.Lab 1 Notes 2.Lab 2 Notes 3.Mr. Beck’s Lectures Notes Table of Contents (Please write in back page of notebook )
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