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Washington State’s Day-to-Day Collection and Reporting Database.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State’s Day-to-Day Collection and Reporting Database."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State’s Day-to-Day Collection and Reporting Database

2 Benefits Completely web-based. Collects data on all State Level Activities and most State Leadership Activities. Data is not stored on your local computers. Data is backed up on several redundant hard drives. Data storage complies with HIPPA standards. Individual User logins. Advanced data management rights given to administrators. As the AT Act evolves, we are committed to updating the data collection and reporting tool to comply with new and changed requirements.

3 Our database collects data for all State Level Activities State Financing B. Financial Loan Programs C. State Financing Activities that provide consumers with resources and services that result in the acquisition of AT devices and services D. State Financing Activities that allow consumers to obtain AT at Reduced Cost Reutilization Device Exchange Activities Device Recycling/Refurbishment/Repair Activities Device Loan Device Demonstration

4 Our database collects data for these State Leadership Activities Training Technical Assistance State Improvement Outcomes based on TA Activities Public Awareness Activities- Presentations/Expos/ Conferences Public Awareness Activities- Printed and other materials distributed at Trainings and Presentations/ Expos/Conferences Information and Referral Consumer Satisfaction

5 Our database does not collect data for these State Leadership Activities This data is not collected on an individual basis and should be collected from other aspects of your program: – Public Awareness Activities- Printed and other publications/materials not distributed at trainings and presentations/expos/conferences. – Public Awareness Activities- Listservs, Internet Information, PSA/Radio/TV and other activities not otherwise categorized – Coordination and Collaboration Activities – State Improvement Outcomes NOT based on TA Activiti es

6 Login

7 Main Menu

8 Device Loan- Consumer Info

9 Device Loan- Loan Detail

10 Consumer Satisfaction

11 Search

12 Search Results

13 Device Loan Report

14 Device Loan Report- Part 2

15 Training

16 Training Report

17 Training Report- Part 2

18 Contact Info: Washington Assistive Technology Act Program University of Washington Box 357920 Alan Knue,, Debbie Cook,,

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