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2 nd Semester Week 4 C ONGRESS & L EGISLATIVE P ROCESS )

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1 2 nd Semester Week 4 C ONGRESS & L EGISLATIVE P ROCESS )

2 GA- Standards – The Legislative Branch  SSCG4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the organization and powers of the national government. structure and powers  a. Describe the structure and powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.  SSCG9 The student will explain the differences between the H ouse of R epresentatives and the Senate, with emphasis on terms of office, powers, organization, leadership, and representation of each house.

3 Standards – The Legislative Branch  SSCG10 The student will describe the legislative process including the roles played by committees and leadership.  a. Explain the steps in the legislative process.  b. Explain the function of various leadership positions within the legislature.

4 AP Topics: The CONGRESS 4.1 What is the demographic composition of Congress? Why doesn’t it reflect the population? 4.2 What are the Constitutional Powers of Congress? 4.3 What are the factors which influence the legislative process ? ( How a bill becomes a law, interest groups, constituents, committees, the President.) 4.4 What effect did the 1975 Congressional Reforms have on the committee system and the legislative process? 4.5 How does the organization of Congress contribute to the fragmentation of policy- making and the lack of accountability?

5 AP Topics: The CONGRESS 4.6 What is the role of Congressional leadership on the operations of Congress? 4.7 How and why do members of Congress participate in the process of logrolling, consensus building, and pork barreling ? 4.8 How do members of Congress balance needs of constituents with and the national interest ? 4.9 What is the impact of reapportionment and redistricting on the composition of Congress? What is the role of the state legislature in this process?


7 2 new sheets 1.Take out 2 new sheets of paper and label it: Warm Up Notebook 2. Take out your Warm Up Notebook and put everything else away please. St. ___ Tp. __ Warm Up Quiz 4 # 12 EQ: EQ: Describe the Legislative Process ? Agenda: #12- Warm Up Quiz / #13- L B Password Review / #14- Legislative Branch Study Guide St. ___ Tp. __ LEG Branch Password # 13

8 Instructions: Use previous warm-ups to make a list of examples of legislative & non-legislative powers (6-1 & 6-2)  Legislative Powers – lawmaking powers of the Legislative Branch  Taxing & Spending Power  Other Money Powers  Commerce Powers  Foreign Policy Powers  Providing for the Nation’s Growth  Other Legislative Powers  Nonlegislative Powers – powers that do not include making laws  Power to Choose a President (during a tie)  The Removal Power  The Confirmation Power  The Ratification Power  The Amendment Power 6-1 6-2 Agenda: #13- Warm Up Quiz - Congress EQ: EQ: Where does the real legislative work get done ?

9  Legislative Powers – lawmaking powers of the Legislative Branch  Nonlegislative Powers – powers that do not include making laws  Investigative Powers- neither granted nor denied by the Founders, Congress has conducted investigations on a variety of topics since 1792.  Legislative Oversight – power to review executive branch activities on an ongoing basis.

10  Investigative Powers- neither granted nor denied by the Founders, Congress has conducted investigations on a variety of topics since 1792.  Legislative Oversight – power to review executive branch activities on an ongoing basis.  Congressional Investigative Power  Power to Subpoena  Power to require witnesses to testify under oath  Power to hold witnesses in contempt

11 a new sheet 1.Take out a new sheet of paper and label it: Warm Up Notebook 2. Take out your Warm Up Notebook and put everything else away please. St. ___ Tp. __ Warm Up Quiz 4 # __ EQ: EQ: Describe the Legislative Process ? Agenda: #12- Warm Up Quiz / #13- L B Password Review / #14- Legislative Branch Study Guide

12 Legislative Branch Review ..\12- WUQ Legislative Branch.pptx..\12- WUQ Legislative Branch.pptx ..\13- Legislative Branch PASSWORD Review.ppt..\13- Legislative Branch PASSWORD Review.ppt ..\14- UNIT TEST Leg Branch STUDY GUIDE.docx..\14- UNIT TEST Leg Branch STUDY GUIDE.docx

13 End of Day 8: Congress

14 1 new sheet 1.Take out 1 new sheet of paper and label each: EQ: How does the Legislative Branch operate? Sts. 4a, 8,9,10 Congress Test #15

15 End of Day 9: Congress

16 a new sheet 1.Take out a new sheet of paper and label each: EQ: How does the Legislative Branch operate? St. __ Tp. __ Congress Test Correctives # 17 Agenda: Review Congress Test / #17 Congress Test Correctives

17 End of Day 10: Congress

18 1.Take an FRQ answer sheet (or 2) from the front table. Write your name and label it. EQ: What is the first step in answering FRQs? Agenda: #18 Congress FRQ Test

19 End of Day 11: Congress

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