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Cross craft. Cross craft - cross handicraft production.

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1 Cross craft

2 Cross craft - cross handicraft production.

3 Cross craft of Lithuania In folk art of Lithuania are very popular crosses from wood and metal, which form are like sun. Folk them called suns. This folk art began to be more interested in the second of nineteenth century and first half of twentieth centuries.

4 Cross craft of Lithuania Cross craft is the only orally and a living example transmitted of folk art tradition in earlier times and now, which never and nowhere been taught.

5 Cross craft of Lithuania Lithuania objects of cross divided into three groups: The crosses Roofed Shrines

6 Cross craft of Lithuania Traditional crosses of Lithuania are unique buildings. Cross is the main Christian symbol. In Lithuania it spreaded with entrenchment of Christianity.

7 Small – scale architecture of Dz ū kija A cross is the most common small scale architectural monument in Dz ū kija. Roofed built not many. Previously chapels was making much more, which was hanging in the trees, and sometimes on the walls of the buildings.

8 Roofed in Marcinkonys village

9 Small – scale architecture of Dz ū kija Crosses of Dz ū kija distinguish with an inverted triangle silhouette, consisting of a long – handled ax and spear, which cross (Christ’s torture tools).

10 Small – scale architecture of Dz ū kija In Dz ū kija you often can see the cross, witch encircled by band of nationality, tied up with apron (it usually means not only pay special tribute to the cross, but the request, witch is usually requested by women who wants to have a child), also to the crosses and shrines put down sacrifices.

11 Crosses in Zervynai village

12 Crosses in Musteika village

13 A chapel on a cross at the interection of the stem and a cross – piece. Nemaj ū nai village

14 A cross in a cementery. Rudnia

15 Small – scale architecture of Dz ū kija By placing the traditional cross or innovative forms of monuments, it consecration,or else it would have no value. Consecrate a monument, it starts his life. Irreversibly degraded cross burning, but most of the building in its place a new one.

16 Small – scale architecture of Dz ū kija In some villages of Dz ū kija there are still burning ol crosses. All Saints or All Souls’ Day evening: people are creating scrap in the cenetery, praying, singing.

17 Small – scale architecture of Dz ū kija Small hill of crosses in Merkin ė village – cemetery and memorial of partisans. The firs cross was bild in 1989. Currently, in the small hill of crosses stand abput 200 different crosses and chapel.

18 Small hill of crosses in Merkin ė village

19 “The road of Č iurlionis” „The Ciurlionis road“ is the ensemble of wooden sculptures created by Lithuanian folk craftsmen in 1975 to commemorate the centenery of M.K.Ciurlionis birth.

20 Mikalojus Konstantinas Č iurlionis Lithuanian artist and composer Mikalojus Konstantinas Č iurlionis (1875 - 1911), a unique figure in the history of European arts, has left a profound imprint on Lithuanian culture.

21 “The road of Č iurlionis” This poles ensemble extending from Old Var ė na to Druskininkai town.

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