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Table of Contents DateTitleAssign. # 1/10Journal #14 1/13Religion5 1/13Talking About Religion6 1/13Socratic Seminar7.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents DateTitleAssign. # 1/10Journal #14 1/13Religion5 1/13Talking About Religion6 1/13Socratic Seminar7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents DateTitleAssign. # 1/10Journal #14 1/13Religion5 1/13Talking About Religion6 1/13Socratic Seminar7

2 Do Now: Homework: 1. Vocab Flashcards 2. Journal #1

3 Announcements

4 This unit we will attempt to further deconstruct identity to understand choices made by individuals in society. Some choices had positive effects, others negative. Some choices are ones we ourselves make as well and most of the time, they are not the right ones. Objective: Analyze choices made by individuals when faced with someone who is different and explain a personal experience I have had in a similar situation using prior knowledge of one’s identity. Apply knowledge of religion to understand Talking About Religion and participate in a scholarly discussion.

5 Copy the quote. Then discuss it’s meaning with your Elbow Partner and write it on the lines below “The fist too was once an open hand with fingers.” –Yehuda Amichai

6 Next, compare or contrast the meaning of the quote to one example from a previous text read in class. Briefly explain how it compares or contrasts and cite which text you are referring to.

7 Video Clip: “Open Hands or Open Fists?” We will watch the video two times. Think about the message Patel is trying to convey. Listen for an example of bystander behavior.

8 Religion What is Religion? Religion- a belief system around a supernatural God or gods It is an ideology, a set of beliefs Monotheism: belief and worship in one god Polytheism: belief and worship in many gods

9 Who is part of a religion? Anyone who shares a common faith and worldview are a community of believers. They practice the beliefs and rituals of a certain belief system (religion). All religions teach respect for individual differences.

10 There are three main religions that exist throughout the world today: Name of Religion Name of God Holy Text of Study House of Worship ChristianityGodBibleChurch, chapel JudaismGodTorahSynagogue IslamAllahQ’uranmosque

11 These religions are more alike than different. Yet, individuals who are part of these religions talk about how their religion is different from the other religions instead of focusing on the similarities.

12 Talking About Religion Assignment #6

13 Purpose Question: How do we talk about aspects of our identity? You will silently read Eboo Patel reflecting on his high school experience in more detail. Highlight a quote that stands out to you. Circle a word you do not understand & box it out. Underline and place a question mark next to something you are confused about.

14 Let’s Talk It Out… Refer to Assignments #2, 3 and 6. Create at least 1 higher level question to spur discussion about the text to deepen your understanding and make connections to the text with your peers.

15 Socratic Seminar Write your questions in the first box Read the rubric to yourself Decide if you’re going to be in the inner circle or outer circle

16 You choose but… You must fill out the front! Inner Circle & Outer CircleOuter Circle

17 Socratic Seminar Norms

18 Please take out a sheet of lined paper and write your ESAT Heading

19 Journal Entries This semester you will journal. You will demonstrate what you learned through your writing as well as making connections to your own personal experiences. It is a space where you can write your own personal and deep thoughts without having to share them with the class. The purpose is to help you master the content learned this semester and to also improve your writing.

20 How will I be graded? Let’s go over the Journal Rubric together so that we understand the expectations for Journal Writing assignments.


22 How should I set up my journal? Write your ESAT Heading on a lined sheet of paper and simply title it: Journal #1 Copy the prompt projected on the board. As soon as you are finished copying the prompt, you may begin writing. This activity is silent. Use the Journal Grading Rubric to guide you. If the Journal is assigned at the end of class, whatever you do not finish will be assigned for HW. After I set up my journal, what do I do?

23 Journal #1 Write about a time when you encountered someone who was different from you and they were mistreated (Or how you were mistreated). Why do you think this happened? Explain what happened and the choices made in the situation. Also, explain what you would change from that situation. Make connections to the texts read and use vocabulary words learned in class. Your response can be about personal experience, something you have seen in a movie or read about.

24 Please write your vocabulary on the back of Assignment #5 The numbers indicate which Assignment # you can find your definitions for your HW. synagogue- #5 Jew- #5 Religion-#5 Ideology- #5 Pluralism- #6 anti-semitism- #6

25 Homework: Flashcards

26 Homework Finish Journal #1 Complete all 6 flashcards and study them.

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