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Published byJesse Gaines Modified over 8 years ago
1 SKIPTON SELECTION PARENTS’ EVENING 2012 Ermysted’s Grammar School 7.00 05 July 2012 Admission to Schools September 2013
2 Welcome
3 Programme Introduction Administration of the Selection Scheme Policy Applying for testing for in area and out of area pupils Equality Act Test Procedures: Test Dates Selection Tests GL Assessment Test Preparation Illness on Test Days Establishing a cut off mark
4 Programme Continued: Applying for a Secondary School place: Test Results Application Oversubscription Oversubscription Criteria Selection Reviews and Admission Appeals Boarding Education Statistics Overview of important dates Admissions Team contact details
5 Introduction Key staff are : Chris McMackin, Lead for Admissions John McNamara, Admissions and Appeals Officer, Jill Wilson, Admissions and Appeals Officer, Vickie Hemming-Allen, Admissions Team Manager, William Burchill, Admissions and Appeals Officer.
6 Administration of the Selection Scheme
7 Policy The Local Authority (LA) assesses all boys within selective areas, (unless you as parents choose not to have your child tested). On parental request, boys from outside the selective areas of the County, can be tested as to their suitability for grammar school education in Ripon and Skipton. The Local Authority use 2 types of tests – Verbal Reasoning (VR), and Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR). They are specifically produced for North Yorkshire Local Authority by GL Assessment. *It should be noted that this is the first year that the Authority will test only boys.
8 Schools in the Selective Areas In Ripon Outwood Academy School Ripon and Ripon Grammar School In Skipton *Skipton Girls’ High School, Ermysted’s Grammar School (for Boys), Aireville School and Upper Wharfedale School These schools and the children whose principal permanent residence is within these areas are referred to as In Area. *This is the first year that Skipton Girls’ High School will operate their own selective scheme for girls wishing to enter their school.
9 Applying for testing
10 You are considered to be an ‘in area’ pupil : If you live in either of the two selective areas and your child attends a primary school within the selective area. These children are automatically entered for testing if they attend an in area primary school. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from the selection process would need to write to the Admissions Team or contact us by Email at: If you live in either of the two selective areas and your child does not attend a maintained primary school in that selective area. These children are not automatically entered for selective testing. You need to contact the Admissions Team. * Parents of girls should apply direct to Skipton Girls’ High school In Area Pupils
11 Out of Area Pupils If your normal residential address is outside the “Selective Areas” your child is considered to be an out of area child. If you wish to register your child for testing you need to inform the Admissions Team by applying on line at or by writing to the Admissions Team giving the following information:
12 Details needed for out of area children Your child’s: Full name Date of birth Home address and telephone number The name and address of his school. The closing date to apply for testing is Friday, 17 August 2012. (The tests for out-of area pupils take place on the same day as for in-area children). Parents of children who live in area but who attend a primary school outside of the selective area or an independent school also need to register their child for testing.
13 How do you apply for a child to be tested who either lives out of area or who lives in area and attends a school outside of the selective area or an independent school? You can use the on-line system details of which are on our Website at, or you can write to the Admissions Team by Friday 17 August 2012, giving your child’s full name, date of birth, home address and phone number, and the name and address of the school your child currently goes to. Your child will then be registered and arrangements will be confirmed in writing. Admissions Office staff are here this evening and they have maps of the selective area as well as application forms available for you to complete tonight, or take it away with you to post back to the Admissions Team. Contact details for the Admissions Team are on the website. * Parents of Girls should contact Skipton Girls’ High School direct.
14 How does the Equality Act relate to Selective School Admissions? Local Authorities (LAs) have a duty not to discriminate against pupils and prospective pupils with a disability in their access to education. The North Yorkshire Selection Scheme takes account of the Equality Act 2010 (details are available on our website). If you feel that your son has additional needs in terms of taking the selection tests, for example medical (e.g. diabetes), hearing or sight problems, or if your child has a statement of special educational needs, then in the first instance please discuss this with your child’s head teacher and then our staff based in the Admissions Team. *It is essential that any additional assistance is requested through the Equality Act prior to the selective tests taking place.
15 Test Dates The Familiarisation Test will be held on 7 September 2012 The First Actual Test will be held on 11 September 2012 The Second Actual Test will be held on 14 September 2012
16 Testing Venues Boys attending an in area primary school who have not been withdrawn from the testing process will be tested at their primary school. Out of area boys and those attending a primary school outside the selective area or an independent school, will be tested at the central testing venue.
17 Central Test locations for 2012 In Ripon: Ripon Leisure Centre for all pupils In Skipton: The Memorial Hall Ermysted’s Grammar School
18 Selection Tests What kind of questions are in the test? Examples can be found on our website. Our selection scheme uses multiple-choice questions. Answers to these questions are also available on our website.
19 VERBAL & NON VERBAL REASONING TESTS The Verbal Reasoning (VR) test consists of one continuous 50 minute paper of 80 questions. The Non Verbal Reasoning (NVR) test consists of four separate sections of 20 questions per section with 10 minutes for each section.
20 VERBAL & NON VERBAL REASONING TESTS CONTINUED: Your son’s BEST Verbal Reasoning and BEST Non-verbal marks from both tests will be added together to give a final mark. The Local Authority sets the “Cut Off Mark”. All tests are administered by invigilators who are trained and recruited by North Yorkshire.
21 GL Assessment (G.L.A) The tests are designed to identify a boy’s “Academic Potential”. They are multiple choice tests produced by G.L.A., specifically for use by North Yorkshire Local Authority. Copies of the test papers are not available to anyone. The test papers are marked and standardised by G.L.A. Tests are not related to National Curriculum or Key Stage Standard Tests of Attainment (SATs).
22 Preparation for the tests We believe that boys should be allowed to take the tests under conditions which are as normal as possible, and not face the pressure of extra coaching but cannot, of course, prevent it. Some schools do carry out a range of tests for assessment purposes whilst others don’t. We do not expect any of our schools to carry out more than one VR or NVR test for each child each year. Off the shelf tests The standardised marks for these tests are not comparable with the marks achieved in the tests specifically designed for North Yorkshire. The first test (Familiarisation Test) is not marked. It enables children to become familiar with the types of questions, the test procedures and the test environment.
24 WHAT YOU SHOULD DO IF YOUR SON IS ILL OR IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS THAT COULD AFFECT YOUR SON TAKING THE TEST : In the first instance you should contact the Admissions Team. This is particularly important for the Familiarisation Test as your son will not be able to take the two actual tests without taking the familiarisation test first. If your son is absent from the tests without previous notification to the Admissions Team he will be removed from the list of pupils to be tested.
25 Establishing a Cut-off Mark
26 Establishing the cut-off mark Cont: Year of entry Ripon cut-off Skipton cut-off 2012 206 224 2011 210 220 2010 206 227 2009 209 221 2008 207 222
27 Establishing the cut-off mark For us to consider boys who live outside the selective area to be deemed suitable for a grammar school education, they must meet the cut-off mark which is set by the performance of the pupils who live in the selective area.
28 Applying for a secondary school place Test Results All parents will be sent their son’s test results on Wednesday 17 October 2012 by first class post, which is before the deadline date for completion of your secondary school common application form in North Yorkshire.
29 Applying on-line for a secondary school place When can I use the on-line system? For North Yorkshire parents The on-line system for secondary applications for the academic year 2013-2014 is available until the closing date for applications on Wednesday, 31 October 2012. Should I send a paper copy as well as applying on-line? No. As long as you provide your e-mail address, the system will send you an e-mail to tell you that your application has been received. If you do not get this e-mail, you should contact the Admissions Team for advice. This e-mail is proof that you have made your application. For parents living outside North Yorkshire You should complete a common application form or apply on line to your local home admission authority. Your authority will co-ordinate with us so that an offer of a school place can be made appropriately.
30 Please remember if you live outside North Yorkshire you should contact your home LA to check their admission timetable and closing date for applications. You need to complete a Common Application Form or apply online to your home authority naming the selective school you wish to preference. We will co-ordinate our admission arrangements with your LA.
31 For all applications to Selective Schools If you live in North Yorkshire and you do not name any North Yorkshire school, we will give your child a place at the local school if places are available. We offer places first to those children whose parents have expressed a preference for a school. (If the local school is oversubscribed, we will normally give your child a place at the nearest school with places available, which might be some distance from your home).
32 Oversubscription Being deemed suitable does not guarantee your son a place at a selective grammar school. We consider all children who have reached the cut-off mark in the selective tests, or who have had a successful selection review, as being deemed suitable for a grammar school education in North Yorkshire. If the number of boys deemed suitable for a selective school exceeds the number of places available, priority will be given in line with the particular school’s oversubscription criteria, which are published on our website or are available from the school.
33 Oversubscription Details of the oversubscription criteria can be found on our website at, or the school’s website. It is highly probable, but it cannot be guaranteed, that in area pupils deemed suitable for a grammar school education will be allocated places at the relevant grammar school. Wherever possible all out of area pupils who are deemed suitable will be allocated places unless the number of children deemed suitable exceeds the number of places available (the Published Admission Number or PAN). Children who do not live in either of the two selective areas are considered as out-of-area. Attendance at a primary school in a selective area does not mean that your child is in-area. The determining factor is your principal place of residence.
34 Boarding Education Information I would like to apply for a boarding place at Ripon Grammar School; how can I do that? Details of boarding School provision can be found on the web site and from the Admissions Team. We provide up to 14 boarding places in Year 7 at Ripon Grammar School each year as part of the school’s published admission number of 117.
35 Non Statutory Selection Reviews – For Ermysted’s Grammar School These are arranged to provide you with an opportunity to present your case to an independent review panel if your son has not reached the cut off mark set by the LA. They will be held in the period January to February 2013. The focus of these reviews is your son’s test performance and reasons why he did not achieve the cut off mark in the selection tests. Those successful at a selection review are deemed suitable for a grammar school education and are considered for a school place along with those who reached the cut off mark in the selection tests.
36 Statutory Admission Appeals These appeals provide you with an opportunity to put your case to an independent appeal panel for boys who have been deemed suitable for a grammar school education but the school is oversubscribed. They will be held next year (2013) in April for Skipton area and May for the Ripon area.
37 Statutory Admission Appeals Headteachers can only attend appeals in exceptional circumstances and with the LA’s agreement. Parents who have been unsuccessful at a selection review are also able to submit a statutory admission appeal.
38 In Area Statistics2009201020112012Out Area Statistics2009201020112012 Total number of all in-area pupils in cohort 342289271307Total number of all out-area requests received 383334357366 Number of in-area boys in cohort 169160139163Number of out-area requests received for boys 198169188216 Total Number found suitable39444341Total number found suitable 79548172 No.of Selection Reviews14211214No.of Selection Reviews 2328 30 Upheld51021Upheld3311 Not upheld9111013Not upheld20252729 Withdrawn0000 0000 Still to be heard0000 0000 No. of Admission Appeals7736 13974 Upheld2513 2410 Not upheld5223 10464 Withdrawn0000 11 00 Still to be heard0000 0000 Total number of places offered** 46574647Total number of places offered** 68546865 Skipton Statistics* - Boys * Information correct as at 31 May 2012 ** The breakdown of total places offered between in and out of area area boys reflects any change in circumstances (e.g. change of address or preference) which occurs during the admissions process.
39 Ripon/Skipton Selection Timetable 2013/14 Admission Year Key Dates Friday 17 August 2012 Friday 7 September 2012 Tuesday 11 September 2012 Friday 14 September 2012 Wednesday 17 October 2012 Wednesday 31 October 2012 Friday 9 November 2012 w/c 4 January 2012* Friday 1 March 2013 Thursday 28 March 2013 April 2013* May 2013* Closing date for all in-area pupils to withdraw from testing. Closing date for all out-of-area applications for testing. Familiarisation test for all pupils. First actual test for all pupils. Second actual test for all pupils. Results of selection tests to be posted to all parents. Closing date for receipt of common application (preference) forms at the education office. Closing date for receiving selection review (Appeal) papers from parents. Non-statutory selection reviews begin. School place allocations posted to all parents. Closing date for receiving admission appeals. Statutory admission appeals held for Skipton selective schools. Statutory admission appeals held for Ripon Grammar School. *Please note review and appeal dates may change.
40 SELECTION SCHEME For September 2013 entry to ERMYSTEDS GRAMMAR SCHOOL CYPS Admissions Team Jesmond House 31-33 Victoria Avenue Harrogate HG1 5QE Email: Staff will be available at the above address for general enquiries. Telephone 01609 533679
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