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Published byKarin French Modified over 8 years ago
Publishing with the IEEE 李箐 IEEE Client Services/University Partnership Program Manager 2016
Today’s Author Workshop 今天研討會涉及主題 6/23/20162 IEEE 出版管道選擇 IEEE 拒稿常見原因 IEEE 期刊與會議投稿流程 IEEE 期刊與會議投稿注意事項
Where to Publish? 在哪裡發表 6/23/20163 180 + Journals, Transactions, Magazines 1400 + Conferences
17 of the top 20journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 17 of the top 20journals in Telecommunications 7 of the top 10journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 7 of the top 10journals in Cybernetics 3 of the top 5journals in Automation & Control Systems 3 of the top 5journals in Artificial Intelligence 2 of the top 5journals in Robotics IEEE quality makes an impact Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports ® by Impact Factor IEEE publishes: Based on the 2014 study released June 2015 More info: The Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals. 6/23/20164
New IEEE Journals Coming in 2015 IEEE Trans. onBig Data IEEE Trans. onTransportation Electrification IEEE Trans. onCognitive Communications and Networking IEEE Trans. onComputational Imaging IEEE Trans. onMolecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications IEEE Trans.on Multi-Scale Computing Systems IEEE Trans. onSignal and Information Processing over Networks IEEESystems, Man, and CyberneticsMagazine For a complete title listing, to go: All included in an IEL subscription
New IEEE Journals Coming in 2016 In 2016, IEEE will introduce four new journals that will be available for subscription: IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Vehicles IEEE Journal onMultiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques IEEERobotics and Automation Letters IEEE Transactions onSustainable Computing For a complete title listing, to go: All included in an IEL subscription
The IEEE conference collection continues to grow Now over1,400 annual conferences. Over 2.5 million total papers. 1,400+ 6/23/20167
Ajournal articleis a fully developed presentation of your work and its final findings 期刊文章是研究工作和最終結果的完整展示 Original research results presented 展示原創研究結果 Clear conclusions are made and supported by the data 做出清晰推論,並輔以 資料支援 Aconference articlecan be written while research is ongoing 會議文章可以是正在進行沒有完成的研究 Can present preliminary results or highlight recent work 可展示初期成果或強調 最近工作 Gain informal feedback to use in your research 獲得非正式回饋用於後續研究 Conference articles are typically shorter than journal articles, with less detail and fewer references 會議論文通常短於期刊論文, 細節和參考文獻也少些 Publish IEEE journal or IEEE conference? 發表 IEEE 期刊或會議? 6/23/20168
Review the conference calendar 流覽會議列表 Find a good match for your research subject matter 尋找與研究方向吻合的會議 Ensure you are available to present 確保 你可以出席會議 IEEE has180+ unique publicationscovering a wide range of technical areas 180 多種 IEEE 期刊 Review the journal listings 流覽期刊列表 Who reads it 受眾 What they publish 內容 What kinds of articles they want 期待文章類型 IEEE publishes1,400+leading- edgeconference proceedingsevery year 每年 1400 多場 IEEE 前沿會議 Publish Finding the right IEEE publication or IEEE conference 選擇合適的 IEEE 期刊或會議 6/23/20169
IEEEPublication Recommender ™
Where Plan your publications: Conference paper versus journal 選擇投稿物件 Scope the contents appropriate to the length 根據長度審視內容 : –Conference paper: 5-6 double-column pages 會議論文 5-6 雙欄頁 –Journal paper: 8-10 double-column pages 期刊論文 8-10 雙欄頁 Journal paper is NOT an elongated version of a conference paper. 期刊論文並不只是會議論文的加長版 –Shortening can result in a good-quality concise paper 短文可以是高 品質論文 –Stretching often results in poor quality paper 長文也經常品質低下 At least 30-40% more technical and “useful” contents than your published conference paper. 期刊論文至少要在已出版會議論 文基礎上增加 30-40% 的 ” 有用 ” 技術型內容 Often need more useful research findings. 經常需要增加更多研究 發現 6/23/201613
Where Plan your publications: Conference paper versus journal 選擇投稿物件 Conference paper: 5-6 double-column pages 會議文章 5-6 雙欄頁 Faster to publish, which is helpful for timely research results 更快發表, 更及 時通報研究成果 –Yet if rejected, no submit-review-correct-resubmit process Correct and resubmit to a later conference instead! Publishing in small conference is easy but reaches to few people 小型會議更 容易發文, 但讀者群少 Flagship conference has tighter review process but is worth the efforts 旗艦 會議評審過程更嚴, 但非常值得為之付出努力 If rejected: Reviewer must provide technical reasons. The review comments are often valuable. After you have corrected and improved your work and paper, the reviewers will find less reasons to reject your resubmitted paper. 如果被拒, 評審人需提供技術性原因. 評審意見通常很有價值. 當你 按此改善你的研究及論文後, 重新提交的論文被接受的幾率更高. 6/23/201614
Audience What IEEE editors and reviewers are looking forIEEE 編輯和評審人在尋找什麼 Content that is appropriate, in scope and level, for the journal 內容符合期刊收錄範圍 Clearly written original material that addresses a new and important problem 清晰表達的原創研究,解 決全新重要問題 Valid methods and rationale 有效的方法 Conclusions that make sense 有意義的結論 Illustrations, tables and graphs that support the text 圖表圖像有力支援文字描述 References that are current and relevant to the subject 能反映最近研究進展的相關參考文獻 6/23/201615
Audience Why IEEE editors and reviewers reject papersIEEE 編輯和評審人拒稿原因 The content is not a good fit for the publication 內容不適 合該期刊 There are serious scientific flaws: 嚴重的科學缺陷 –Inconclusive results or incorrect interpretation 無法信服 的結果或不正確的解釋 –Fraudulent research 學術造假 It is poorly written 文筆差 It does not address a big enough problem or advance the scientific field 沒有解決重大問題或提升當前科技水準 The work was previously published 研究之前已經出版過 The quality is not good enough for the journal 品質沒有達 到期刊要求 Reviewers have misunderstood the article 評審人誤解文章 6/23/201616
6/23/201617 How to Submit 投稿流程
6/23/201619 Submit Journal paper submission is easy throughIEEE Xplore ® 從 IEEE Xplore 上輕鬆投稿 Click “Submit a Manuscript” Follow the prompts to set up an account
6/23/201620 Submit To submit an article, follow the on-screen directions 跟隨螢幕指示提交文章 1 Type, Title & Abstract 2 Attributes / Keywords
Finding Conference Calls for Papers 定位會議徵稿通知 6/23/201621
Submit Use conference site (not IEEE Xplore) to submit to a conference 使用會議網站提交會議論文 Each IEEE sponsored conference has its own requirements for publishing. 6/23/201622 For complete information, see the Call for Papers for the conference in question.
Important IEEE Policy Announcement IEEE 會議 ”No Show” 政策 The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). IEEE Policy on Plagiarism IEEE Policy on Double Submission
Ethics 學術道德 6/23/201624
Ethics Types of misconduct 學術不端類型 Conflict of Interest 利益衝突 A financial or other relationship with the publication at odds with the unbiased presentation of data or analysis 文章內容與出 版方有利益衝突 Plagiarism 剽竊 Copying another person’s work word for word or paraphrasing without proper citation 拷貝他人工作而沒有進 行正確引用 Author Attribution 認可 Must be given if you use another author’s ideas in your article, even if you do not directly quote a source 當使用他人想法時,即使不直接 引用,也需要給於認可 Author involvement/ contributions 作者貢獻 Include any and all who have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the work 標示任何做出重要貢 獻的作者 Do not include minor contributors 不要標示小的貢 獻 6/23/201625
Ethics Ethical publishing 出版學術道德 Plagiarism 剽竊 Avoid plagiarism 避免剽竊 –Cite and separate any verbatim copied material 避免直接文字拷貝引用 –Paraphrase reused text properly, and include citation 合理改述原文,並進行正 確引用 –Credit any reused ideas 對別人的想法 要正確引用 –Familiarize yourself with IEEE Policies 熟悉 IEEE 相關政策 Refer to our Tips Sheet publications_standards/publ ications/authors/plagiarism _and_multiple_submissions. pdf publications_standards/publ ications/authors/plagiarism _and_multiple_submissions. pdf 6/23/201626
Ethics Ethical publishing 出版學術道德 Duplication, Redundancies & Multiple Submissions 重複冗餘一稿多投 Author must submit original work that: 作者 必須提交原創工作 –Has not appeared elsewhere for publication 沒有在其他地方發表過 –Is not under review for another refereed publication 沒有在其他學術期刊接受評審 –Cites previous work 引用以前相關工作 –Indicates how it differs from the previously published work 表明如何和以前工作不同 –Authors MUST also inform the editor when submitting any previously published work 當 提交以前已出版工作時需要告知編輯 Refer to our Tips Sheet publications_standards/publ ications/authors/plagiarism _and_multiple_submissions. pdf publications_standards/publ ications/authors/plagiarism _and_multiple_submissions. pdf 6/23/201627
Throughout the process…Refer here early and often – Author Digital Toolbox 整個流程請儘早並隨時參考 Author DigitalToolbox 6/23/201628 _standards/publications/authors /author_tools.html
IEEE Author Guide Always Available IEEE 作者指南 6/23/201629 Authors learn how to prepare, write, and submit quality technical articles. Can be downloaded Includes embedded links to information, forms, etc. For more information or to download: ors/publishing_benefits/index.html?WT.mc_id=pb_ben_pub ors/publishing_benefits/index.html?WT.mc_id=pb_ben_pub
資料庫登陸 : 培訓網站 : 有問題請聯繫 謝謝!
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